She looked down to see her grandma coming out of the taxi. She ran down the stairs happily to meet her granny.


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"Nanna....." she yelled as she sprinted towards her granny. Her granny looked at her in awe. She was looking even more gorgeous than she was when she met her last month.
"Oh my sweet princess, come here. " her granny said stretching her arms. She came running into her arms, hugging her tightly.
"I missed you so much Nanna. " she said adorably. Her granny kissed her forehead.
"Hmm and no kisses for grandson. " a voice came from the door. They both turned back to see Naksh standing there.

"Shut up and come here

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"Shut up and come here. " her granny said and Naksh hugged her tightly and kissed her cheeks.
"Nanna you know you are looking so hot as always. " Naksh teased her.
"Oh shut up, I am not. " her granny said slapping his shoulder playfully. Nandini laughed. Three of them sauntered inside the house. Martha greeted granny and went inside the kitchen to make some snacks for her.
"Nanu won't you show granny your new dress which I bought for you. " Naksh said with a smile.
"Oh yes I will. " she said innocently and sprinted towards her room. Naksh turned towards granny.
"Granny I am sorry I had to call you here urgently. Actually someone is stalking Nanu, she is really scared. I was hoping if you could stay here for some days with her, she will feel better. Moreover I am usually in the office and Martha also has to go out for shopping, I don't want to leave her alone for a single minute. " naksh said disquieted.
"What someone is stalking my princess. I swear I will chop off his balls. How dare he.??? " his granny said angrily. Naksh laughed.
"Nanna see my dress. " nandini said showing off her new dress.
"It's so pretty, just like you. " her granny said with awe. She giggled.

Sounds of yelling can be heard all around the Ahlawat Mansion. Gang members clamoured for Hunchback to come down. Hunchback was right now standing on a stool with a noose around his neck.
"Hunchback you moron. Just remove this noose and come down. " Chirag yelled. Mafia King entered looking furious.
"What's all this noise for. " he questioned. His eyes fell in the front to find hunchback all set to commit suicide.
"Hunchback what the hell is this. " Mafia King asked shocked. Hunchback wheeped.
"I am going to commit suicide. " he yelled as he started to push the stool, the men gathered around and stopped the stool from slipping away from his feet.
"Hunchback......." Mafia King was interrupted by his cousin brother.
"No brother, you cannot stop me. I will commit suicide. I am coming God. Don't miss me too much my friends. " hunchback whined like a kid.
"Hunchback, I was saying if you want to commit suicide than you can search for other ways. There are plenty of ways to kill yourself. Don't break my fan. " Mafia King said.

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