Break a bad habit spell

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***This spell was found on It was written by Devin Hunter***

"This spell is designed to remove the energetic ties to our bad habits and to help break the energetic cycles that you create."

What you need:
A piece of licorice root or a piece of black licorice candy


Ground and center your energy body, and visualize your bad habit and the effect it has on your life. Chew or suck on the licorice and after 3 deep breathes, say:

"Bitter old habit that gets in my way, be gone. I'm done, I've finished with you this day!"

Now visualize your life without the habit and then spit the licorice into a tissue, then throw the tissue away.


I haven't tried this spell yet, as I'm waiting on buying some licorice, but I have high hopes for this spell. Let me know if it works for you!

What are your bad habits?

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