Attract Positivity Spell

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In this spell, you will be aiming to attract positive people and positive thinking into your life. This spell is suitable for practitioners at any stage, including beginners.

What you need:
-1 candle that's a positive color (such as yellow, blue, orange, green)
-a magnet
-a flame proof dish
-a piece of parchment paper
-a pen

Create a calm space and atmosphere to perform this spell. When ready, cast a circle and light your candle. Sit with your eyes closed and concentrate on your breathing. Visualize positivity coming your way.

Write a positive affirmation on the piece of paper such as, "I want to attract a positive new friend into my life." Take the piece of paper and wrap it around the magnet. Imagine the magnet drawing the positive energy towards you. Chant the following:

"Negativity I ward you away. Happiness come my way. With this magnet I use today, I will attract positivity that will stay." Take the piece of paper away from the magnet, light it with the candle then drop it into the flame proof dish.

Close your circle. Keep the magnet close to you for the next couple of days to help your positive affirmation come true.

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