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I stepped back as Caruta drew out a discerning growl, which meant, kill, or disable the target

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I stepped back as Caruta drew out a discerning growl, which meant, kill, or disable the target. Glacia can't be here, the barrier either forced all foreign elements out or the forestry shifts around, so all intruders get lost in an endless loop. Whenever the forestry can't push the intruder away or protect itself, it relinquishes its magical barrier and allows the guardians— Caruta, the rest of the beasts, and souls to defend it.

I asked Ame if she controlled the forestry— that influenced this strange phenomenon? But she merely laughed at my curiosity, and said, "The Forestry is full of mysteries. Not even I know the origin or source of power, except for the Cave of Souls, and the Mirrors. Perhaps, when tested, you'll know the truth of this forestry and all its wonders. I only hope you come back the same way you came in." She smirked at me and followed by a goodnight kiss.

I smiled at the memory, but my face quickly shifted to a jarring full of contempt at the intruders. I tugged Caruta's nape to render him from attacking Glacia and the woman, who kept a scowl on her visage.

"Stack! I'm so glad I found you!" Glacia ran over to me at speed I didn't know he possessed. Still, I've grown to love this forestry as my home— Caruta as my odd companion, although that's still debatable, and Ame as a mother and mentor. I turned sideways, not hesitating to avoid his approach.

"Stay back! Intruders, why come to the forestry?" I stood my ground and faced my foe. Glacia looked taken aback by my response, and a saddened expression overtook his face.

Caruta growled at both intruders, yet he hunched and tightened his claws to the ground as he made his claim, and aimed his moonlight colored pupils at the woman. She took a defensive position, ready to attack Caruta or myself since I'm the weakest link between the two of us.

I'm no beast, nor am I as powerful as Ame— my strengths lay in my quick thinking, and the fact that the forestry is my field. I've lived here for months, even though there's more to discover, I knew it's paths, rivers, stumps, and nooks.

"Stack! I don't understand. It's me, Glacia. Remember?" I looked him up and down— I knew I'm perhaps overreacting, but how did they enter this part of the forestry? How did they get past the barrier?

I started to wonder about Ame, and whether Glacia and the angry woman didn't come with friends. I might be able to render one of them defenseless with Caruta's help.

I looked straight at Glacia, "You haven't answered me, intruder! Why have you come to the forestry?" If they don't answer, I'll create a distraction and—

The wind caught up suddenly in a twisted gust. A discerning green dress, uncanny, followed by its person, appeared. "Well, it seems I'm late. Stack!" I tensed from the tips of my toes to my shoulders and peered at Ame. "You disobeyed me! I specifically told you not to come here! It's dangerous! Do y—" A whooshing stepped in front of me, and I recognized Glacia. He stood with his arms open wide, blocking me from Ame.

"What are you d—" I was cut off by Glacia.

"Stay back, witch! You won't hurt, Stack! Stack, run, I'll take care of this!" I lifted my brow, dumbfounded by Glacia. Why the hell would he be doing this? "What are you doing, Stack? Go!" I pressed my hands to his shoulders and pushed him aside. He protested and took out a hidden blade, and aimed it at Ame.

"Ame!" I called her, desperate to protect her. The blade passed her face but nicked her cheek.

I saw Ame shaken by the event, slowly lifted her hand to her cheek, and blood coated her fingertips. The red-painted a veil to my mind and I yelled in anger at Glacia.

"How dare you hurt my Ame! You'll pay!" A force of power like no other rushed through my lungs, and I chanted a harmony within the depths of my soul.

"That which lives, breathes, and quakes. Hear my soul, oh great Spirits of the green forestry. I who requests the connection, help me defend that which is dear to me!" The forestry, busy with the buzzing of insects, bugs, and howls of spirits and beasts— now's as quiet as death. Suddenly, the ground shook, and all of us stumbled, and I tried reaching for Ame's hands, meanwhile, Caruta, whined and curled into a huge ball. Glacia and the woman seemed as panicked as I. Was this my magic? Is this my element? My affinity?

"Stack! You must stop!" Ame's voice felt faraway— My mind focused on protecting her, stopping those who hurt, Ame.

"Stack, please! I'm fine!" I shook my head, closed my eyes, and pressed my hands to cover any sound. Warm and calloused hands suddenly touched my own.

"Stack, listen to her! I don't know how yeh doing this, but stop before yeh get all of us killed!" Glacia's voice, uncanny to me— I opened my eyes and saw his face. His features and his kindness, I recognized his sincerity. I looked at Caruta, he kept whimpering and struggled to grasp onto a tree. The ground trembled harder, and both Glacia and I tripped onto the ground, sliding to a crack in the earth.

"Do something! Witch, help him!" I heard the woman calling out to Ame, saw tears down her frightened face.

In a spur, Glacia wrapped his arms around me and grabbed onto the nearest branch.

"Hold on, Stack! Hold on!" He yelled and sweated in desperation. I closed my eyes one more time and almost as if Ame whispered in my ear, "you're going to be fine, my Son. Breath and picture the ground as it once was."

As Glacia yelled to assure me we'd be fine, I took a deep breath, pictured the ground as it pulled each crack until it faded, the grass bright green and long, till it reached my thighs, the fireflies glowed in the night, and the trees stood in a height, Man only wished to reach far enough to touch the sky and stars above.

From the stumble and rumble of the ground where we lay, slowly our bodies shifted, and we either sat or held on to a tree or large rock.

"Stack!" Ame rushed to my side and sobbed as I laid on the grass and dirt, gathering my thoughts in order. Slowly, I gathered my wits and wrapped my arms around Ame. She's safe, and here, that's all that mattered.

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