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Why did you help me? I wanted to ask that question, but for whatever reason, I didn't

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Why did you help me? I wanted to ask that question, but for whatever reason, I didn't.

She's been nothing but supportive, whether magic, strength training, or as she called it, mindfulness— she never failed to reach within me.

It felt as if we're twined into a bond, to the point of never breaking. I grew used to her company— I adopted this place as my home.

I've never had a place I could call as such. I had a haystack, nothing more.

According to her Moon calendar, it's Spring, yet, the forestry stayed between a Winter and Summer climate. She mentioned, a possible group of intruders, nearing the forestry and ordered me to stay hidden within her barrier.

"I can help you, Ame! I've learned to fight, at least. Even Caruta approves, don't you?" I looked at Caruta, hoping the mutt to agree with me. His moonlight colored eyes, narrowed at both of us, only to turn around to chase after a hare escaping from the shallow depression in the ground next to a tree's bark.

"Thank you, you're, so supportive! Damn, mutt!" I huffed, annoyed at his puppy-like mind, and dropped to the ground, mopping as Ame gave out a belly ached laugher at my helplessness. She took a deep breath and tousled her blazing hair back.

"Stack, I understand you wish to help, but you're still not strong enough to protect yourself. Besides, I don't know who these intruders might be. They could be anyone. We don't know their intentions. So stay put! You still have to train your magic, so have Caruta help you through that." I stared wide-eyed at her calmed features.

"How the hell, can Caruta help me through magic training? He's a beast, not a witch!" I tussled my hands in the air, exasperated. There's no way that mutt can help me! He's a furball, the size of a miniature cottage!

She narrowed her stare, suddenly disappeared only to appear kneeling on the ground, right in front of my face. I practically yelped like Caruta. We were nose to nose, forehead together, and she smiled. It unnerved me, yet, warmed me.

"As your guide, it's my mission to train you into the path, that which you've chosen to lead. Until you've managed to face your demons and yourself, you cannot, will not go with me." she raised her brow as I scratched my neck full of dripping sweat.

I looked sideways so I wouldn't see the expression on her face, "I-I don't want you to get hurt, Ame—" I mumble and grumble as I slumped my shoulders and pulled out weeds.

She pinched my chin towards her face, and her eyes grew watery. "I've come to care for you, more than you know, Stack. To me, you're the Son, I've longed to love and cherish. Please, stay here, and continue your training. I'll be back soon." I tugged her sleeve and almost cried. She thought of me as a Son. The urge to tightly hug her overcame me, and without a thought, I did. She tensed a little but relaxed enough to hug me back and deliver a kiss to my forehead.

Then, she vanished into thin air, only the leaves and chill of the wind left in place of her.

I heard tearing and a playful growl to my right and quickly called the mutt to my side.

"So, do we chase after her or stay here to chase a hare, who's smarter than you." Caruta gave out a rumbling sound similar to a wheat grinder. If human, he scoffed angrily. He shook the ground under his paws and lifted his upper limbs on top of my back. He nearly crushed me to oblivion.

"You're as heavy as a house! I'm not carrying you like last time. You'll break my back!" I felt his hot breath and wet nuzzle on my neck. Then he licked my shoulder, and I couldn't help but shiver at the wet and slimy tongue. The mutt amused, growled in a sort of laughter as he pushed his weight on me.

"No! Don't look at me like that!" Caruta used the only move I'm weak against, minus his threatening claws and sharp teeth. He whimpered, and I swore he looked more like a pup than a giant hybrid beast, who appears in nightmares.

"Fine! But then you carry me back, mutt!" He yelped and licked both my face and neck.

"Thank heavens, Ame cleans your teeth and tongue." I pursed my lips and grunted as I sped amidst the trees, using a bit more strength than a normal man's.

Caruta and I heard the sound of the souls in the forestry whisper about the intruders. Two humans to be exact, one gruff and another a little lass. One such soul whispered, "Stacky is hunting again! He chases with Caru! Man in dark and lass with blades of fire!" I narrowed my eyes as I heard about the woman with blades of fire. Perhaps, they're hunters and wish to burn the forestry. I hurried my step to warn Ame.

"Caruta, where did Ame go?" He nudged my neck to my left, and I sprinted over a few logs and crushed twigs and leaves. Fireflies spurt out like magic— forming a trail towards Ame.

"I'll have to thank the spirits later with a chant of Spring." Caruta gave out a half howl, full of excitement. If there's one thing he liked about me, it's my chanting. Ame praised me each time for the melody cleansed the area of the forestry, making it easier to connect with the spirits— it helped them to regain their humanity and sanity.

However, Ame warned me not to chant so much, otherwise, I'll deplete the energy of my soul.

Suddenly, I heard Ame's chanting. We're close. Caruta sensed it too for he dropped down to the ground. I breathed, relieved, finally the fluff-balls off my back.

Just as we're about close in, a gleaming object flew passed my nose. I bent backward to avoid what looked to be a blade as it struck the trunk behind me, and sizzled ablaze.

"Glacia!" I froze in place and gazed wide-eyed at the woman who called a name I'd never forget.

"Stack! Thank God!"

(Word Count-1,047)

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