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Yesterday had been hard for Asher. He kept crying for a long time after his parents left. When they arrived at the mansion, his new home, Alice helped him get his stuff to his new room. After that, she left him alone for the rest of the day. Even though the inside of the house is decorated to look like the Victorian era, they changed the room where Asher will stay in, to have a more modern look and it's painted black, white, and gray for him to feel more at home. When Alice went over at Asher's she made photos of his room for reference. They chose the room the closest to the size of Asher's old room. It was a little bit bigger than his old room so Mr. Primson built a closet to take away the extra space. They also put posters from his favorite heroes up on the wall and a few other things to make the room livelier.

It's Monday now and Asher and Alice are now on their way to school. Asher also hasn't said much since they left for school or the whole weekend. Just as when he ran away, he stayed in his room most of the time. Hiding from the outside world. When they arrive Asher walks straight to class not even greeting Amber who wanted to talk to him but Asher walked right past her. Normally he would always talk to her. "What's up with him?" Amber asks Alice. "It's not my place to tell." Alice walks away leaving Amber standing in the hallway. Asher's sitting on his chair looking outside when Joshua and Rose walk up to him. He's not in the mood for them. "What do you want?" He says continuing to look outside. Not sparing them a glance. "We're not here looking for trouble." Rose says, rolling her eyes. "We were wondering if you could tell the teacher that we'll be absent during P.E. because I have to take Rose to the infirmary." "Sure." Rose smirks and she and her brother walk away. Alice runs towards Asher. "Did they bother you again?" "No, they asked me to tell the teacher that they will be absent during P.E." Alice sighs in relief and goes back to her seat.

It's P.E. The students are standing outside on a large grass field in a horizontal line waiting for their instructions. They are wearing the same uniform they wore at the entrance exams. "Okay everyone, today you'll be using your powers against me." Miss Birdie says walking towards the students. The students are whispering to each other. "I won't attack you. I'll just fly and you have to get me to the ground." Asher is thinking to himself, forming a plan on how he's going to get his teacher on the ground. He looks at Alice wondering what she's going to do. "Okay, Jayce you're up first." Miss Birdie says while spreading her wings and flying a few feet into the air. Jayce steps forward. He rolls his shoulders and spreads his arms and black ropes come out of his hands. He shoots ropes at his teacher but is too slow and she dodges it. He shoots the ropes at her in a consistent pattern and it didn't take long before she figured it out. After a while, he also notices that she has figured it out. He shoots ropes at her but instead of directly at her it goes around her, circling her. She's now surrounded. She flies higher, but she wasn't fast enough and the ropes wrap around her feet. She's now stuck. Jayce grabs the ropes and pulls on them dragging his teacher down. Miss Birdie goes toward the ground at high speed. She hits the ground hard. Everyone gasps. Jayce runs towards her. "Are you okay miss? I didn't think you would hit the ground that hard." He kneels beside her. Miss Birdie sits up rubbing her head. "Don't worry I'm fine." They both stand up. "Okay, Alice you're up." Miss Birdie flies into the air again. "I give up." "What!?" Everyone is shocked and starts whispering to each other. Alice still stands on her spot unmoving. Her classmates all look at her with open mouths. They all know Alice is strong and are wondering why she gave up? Alice whispers into Asher's ear. "I'll tell you later." Miss Birdie observes Alice and shakes her head. "Okay, Asher you're up!" Miss Birdie says, still in the air. Asher steps forwards. He doesn't want to hurt Miss Birdie as Jayce did. He takes out his cards. He can't do anything with his chess pieces as they can't fly and they would just drain his energy. He takes a running start and jumps in the air landing on a platform of cards that formed beneath him. He takes a deep breath. He has to focus or else the cards will disappear and he'll fall. He starts to run. Cards are appearing under his feet forming a staircase for him. He runs upon them. Miss Birdie flies away but the cards are still making a stair towards her for Asher to run to her. How is he going to get her out of the air? He loses focus and the cards don't appear under his feet and he falls. Alice almost used her ability but luckily, he regains focus again and the cards quickly make a slide for him towards the ground. He slides and lands on the ground safely. When he lands on the ground, he looks up to see Miss Birdie still flying in the air looking down on him. He grabs a card he rarely uses. He takes a deep breath and starts running on the stair of cards again. He can hear his classmates say that he isn't going to get Miss Birdie down if he just does the same thing again. That he has to try something else. But Alice saw the extra card he got in his hand. She knows he's up to something. When Asher saw that the stairs were too slow, he commanded all the cards to make a platform to fly him to his teacher. It looks like a magic carpet. When he is close enough to his teacher, he throws the extra card toward her. It touches her and she disappears. Everyone is shocked. "What happened?!" "What did he do to her?!" "Where did she go?!" Asher grabs the card and the platform brings him back to the ground. The platform breaks and all the cards go back into his pocket. Everyone is silent. They want to know what he did. He throws the extra card he has in his hand on the ground and the teacher appears instead of the card. "What happened?" Miss Birdie asks, looking around. "I used my trapping card. It can trap anything in it on my command." "I'm impressed." Miss Birdie says dusting herself off and flies into the air again. "Okay, up next is..."

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