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For the next few days, the King family spent as much time as they had together. Before they knew it, it was the first day of school. "Asher, are you sure you have everything?" Mrs. King asks worriedly. "Yes mom, if I don't go now, I'm going to be late." Asher waves his parents goodbye and exits the house. Alice is waiting in front of the house for him in her car. It's Mr. Primson's car since Alice never needed a car. When she got her driver's license Mr. Primson wanted to buy a car for Alice, but she refused. So, he bought a car and told her it was going to be his second car, while in reality, it was hers. Because Alice doesn't know that, A drives the car. If Alice knew it was hers, she would've never let A drive it. Doesn't matter if she wants the car or not. "Come on! We're going to be late." "I'm coming." Asher gets in the car and they are now on their way to school. "Thank you for driving me to school." "No problem." The rest of the car ride was silent. They arrive at school and get out of the car. 'I can't believe this day has finally come.' Asher thinks to himself looking at the school building. "Let's go." Alice says while walking towards the school gates. After walking and searching they finally found their classroom. Class 1A. "I'm happy we're in the same class." Asher says getting excited for what awaits him. Alice says nothing and opens the classroom door. They both step into the classroom and look around. They don't see anyone familiar. Not that they know other people. Asher doesn't have any friends, Alice and maybe Amber and he doesn't know if Alice has any friends, but as far as he knows he is the only friend she has ever had. Not even A is close enough to Alice to consider a friend. "Wait, is that?" Joshua and Rose are in the same class as them. "Asher?!" Rose says surprised now looking at Asher with wide eyes. She looks back at her brother. He's getting red with anger. "What are you doing here?!" Joshua yells throughout the classroom. Joshua and Rose walk toward Asher and Alice. "And you!" Amber says pointing at Alice. "You were the girl that helped Asher that day." She says angrily holding her broken arm. "You two don't belong in this class." "This class is for future heroes and not for future losers." Slap! Joshua is holding his cheek. Alice slapped him across his face, looking bored, like she didn't just slap Joshua in the face. Everyone's attention is directed at the four of them. "You also don't belong here because just as you said It's for heroes and not bullies like you." Alice shoves past Joshua and Rose, dragging Asher along with her. "YOU!" Joshua yells fuming with anger. If he was a cartoon character you would be able to see the smoke coming from out of his ears. Before Joshua could do anything, the teacher came in. "Good morning class, please take your seats." Everyone immediately stops talking and takes their seats.

Asher is sitting in front of Alice and Joshua is sitting all the way in the back with his sister. "My name is Lulu Birdie and I'll be your homeroom teacher." After that, the lessons started and the day went on as normally as it could. Before they knew it, it was already lunch. Joshua and Rose were giving Asher and Alice death stares the whole day. If looks could kill they would already be dead. Asher was feeling uncomfortable because of it but Alice acted as if nothing was wrong and kept her emotionless expression the whole time. Asher is in the cafeteria buying food while Alice stays in the classroom. "Asher is that you?" Asher turns around and sees Amber standing behind him. "Amber, what are you doing here?" He is surprised to see her here. "I go to this school now." "Wait, that means you have abilities?" "Yes, I can heal people." "That's so cool." "Thanks, I wish more people would think that." After getting their lunch they both talk while walking to Asher's classroom. "So here is my classroom." He opens the door and they are both shocked at the sight before them. Alice is holding Joshua off the ground with one hand around his neck. She's choking him. Asher runs to them. "Alice what are you doing? Can you let him go? Please?" Alice throws Joshua to the ground. "You'll pay b*tch!" Alice looks at Asher and takes her seat. "Alice, what happened?" Alice doesn't say anything. "Who are you?" Amber asks, walking towards them. "No one ever dared to do that to him." Alice looks at Amber with a raised brow. "This is my friend Amber." Alice looks at Amber for a while. Observing her. "Well since you are friends with Asher you can know my name. My name's Alice." "Can we be friends?" Amber asks with enthusiasm. "No." Amber pouts. "Why not?" Amber asks, giving Alice puppy dog eyes. "Because Asher is enough." "Please." "No." "Pretty please." "No." "Pretty please with a cherry on the top." "I hate cherries."

It's been a week since school started. It's lunch right now and Asher and Alice are both sitting in class talking to each other. "Hey guys, I have an idea!" Someone yells. "Why don't we collect money and go someplace to get to know each other better." It's Erika. Since the first day, she has been really energetic, and apparently, she likes to color her hair in different colors now and then. She's the energy source of the class. The class consists of twenty students. Everyone that has made it to the highest class. The class is evenly split into boys and girls. Ten boys and ten girls. Every class in this school is organized like this. The school wanted to give both girls and boys the equal chance to be accepted into this school. Some people protested against it saying that it doesn't give everyone equally the chance to get accepted. The classes were supposed to be divided by strength and not because of gender equality. The people who didn't get into class A because of it were moved to class B and the people who didn't get into Class B because of it were moved to Class C and so on.

After discussing it with each other everyone agrees to the idea except Joshua and Alice. Joshua doesn't want to hang out with these "losers". Alice doesn't like social events. Asher is also nervous. He never went to events like these. They all put money in a box and give it to Erika. "Where will we go?" A classmate asks. "And when?" Another asks. "We can go somewhere tomorrow, but I don't know where yet." Erika says, putting the box with money in her bag. "You can all give me your phone numbers and I'll make a group chat. We can discuss it further in the chat."' The bell rings meaning that lunch is over. Everyone begins taking their seat again.

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