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Chapter warnings: bullying, descriptions of blood and death

I've gotten more fanart!!!!! Make sure you check out the end of the chapter to see it and definitely always go check out the artists when I post these things!!! Honestly if I keep getting awesome stuff like this I think I may just have to make a chapter/note thing dedicated to the awesome stuff you guys have done for this. Seriously, I love it all so so much, thank you all.

It was so silent for the few moments after Logan disappeared that it seemed like none of the students were even breathing. It felt like forever for Virgil, waiting for Logan to come back, hoping that he was okay. Hoping that he wasn't going to attack Christopher.

Relief flooded through Virgil when he felt the familiar cold in front of him, letting out his breath in a sigh. "What did you see? Is it him?"

"It is definitely him." Logan said, a hint of aggression in his tone. When he spoke again standing by Virgil he sounded much calmer. "He was crying, and looking at the floor. I... He has to be the one. Why else would he be here, and crying?"

"Let's not jump to conclusions here, Logan." Patton spoke up, frowning. "We could still be wrong. That's why we're just going to ask him questions, and not assume he did it. We don't want a repeat of last time."

"Yes, of course." Logan agreed. "I am going to keep a level head this time."

"Well... I guess we should probably head in there, then." Roman said, gesturing to the door and being the first to step up to it. "Everyone ready?"

Receiving nods from Patton and Virgil and a verbal agreement from Logan, Roman turned back to the door and rested his hands against it. He paused for only a moment, and then he was pushing the doors open and allowing them to file their way inside.

Virgil looked up at Christopher as they entered, finding the man staring at them in shock before swiping at his eyes, turning around quickly and trying to make it seem like he was using the sink. He felt Logan beside of him, air colder than normal, lifting his hand to get Logan's attention. Logan took his hand, and that was when Virgil found the courage to step closer to the potential murderer.

"Christopher Sheridan?" He questioned, seeing the man freeze in front of him. He watched him blink twice in the mirror, slowly turning the tap off and turning around to face the teenager, hands braced on the sink behind him. Virgil allowed himself to study the man closer, taking note of the tear streaks and dark bags beneath his eyes almost rivaling his own. His black hair was long and unkempt, it looked like the man hadn't showered recently. Or eaten. He was all flesh and bones under the baggy red jacket he was wearing and overall, he just looked unsettling.

"How do you know my name?" He asked, voice brittle. He definitely didn't look like the type to be a bully in high school. He seemed more like the one to get bullied.

"We've heard about you from a teacher here." Roman spoke next, stepping up next to Virgil and gaining the man's focus.

"We wanted to ask you some questions." Patton said. Christopher's eyes darted between the three of them, frown on his lips.

"What kind of questions? Are you three even supposed to be here?"

"Did you know a Logan Sanders when you were going here?" Virgil took over again, meeting Christopher's eyes. The man's eyes widened, staring back at Virgil before his eyes darted to the floor, likely to where Logan had said he was looking before.

"Wh-why are you asking me this?" He stuttered, hands still gripping the sink behind him shaking now.

"We know that Logan was killed at this school by another student. In this same room." Virgil pressed on, flinching slightly when Christopher's eyes locked back onto him, narrowed in anger. Logan squeezed his hand, and Virgil knew Christopher wouldn't be able to hurt him. He continued. "Was that student you?"

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