Chapter 9

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*Cameron's POV*

I can not wait for Miami. Rooming with Nash and Bella is going to be amazing!

I've been thinking a lot about asking Bella out, and I think I know the perfect way to do it.

Matt showed me a picture of our condo, the beach is our backyard.

I'm planning on leaving a basket of chocolates and flowers on the table with a note reading:

"Follow the candles to the beach
-xoxo Cam"

Then, I'm going to have a walk way of candles and flower petals leading down some ways to the beach. The candles are going to form a heart with petals all over the inside. She is going to be confused but will look great with the candle light and the dark sky and stars. I'll be standing in the middle holding a single rose to add to her roses. She only has 11. The one I am holding is fake though. I will successfully ask her out whether she says yes or no, I will either be sad and walk away, or give her the rose and tell her, "I will love you until the last of these roses die." But, one rose will never die because it's fake. So, I will love her for ever.

*Bella's POV*
I'm in my room packing for the long summer when Nash and Matt walks in. #teambellaprobs

"Bella! We are going to shoot a Mr. Steel Yo Girl vine and we need you in it." Nash explains.

"What are you doing for it?" I ask.

"Johnson is recording. We are going to have you and Matt walk down the main hallway to where the long part of the banister is. I'm going to jump down on top of Matt, take your arm, and walk you off." Nash says.

"Seems legit." I say and shrug. I look down at my outfit: Jean shorts, Infinity galaxy crop top, and my galaxy vans. Good enough.

The guys take me by the arms down to the hallway. We do a run through then Johnson starts shooting.

Matt and I are laughing while walking then the song comes on

"Mr. Steal ya girl oh oh"

And Nash successfully jumps on Matt and we walk off.

"That's a wrap!" Johnson shouts.

Nash and Matt both take out their phones and go on snapchat.

"What's up guys! Matt, Jenna, and I just posted a new vine on my account so check it out!" Nash says.

"Thanks guys!" I shout and we record the same thing on Matt's phone.

Once all that is done, I go back up and start sorting out clothes.

•All jean shorts
•Sweat pants and basketball shorts
•All dresses
•All skirts
•All shoes
•All makeup
•All swimsuits
•All tank tops, athletic tops, ext.

Everything was able to fit into 3 suitcases. I'm only aloud to have 2 so I'm hoping someone is only taking one. (😁 girl probs)

I lay out stuff for my carry on. Things including:
•The Fault In Our Stars
•Maze Runner series
•Looking for Alaska
•Portable charger

I set out a pair of leggings, Pink sweatshirt, and a pair of tennis shoes for the plane ride.

By the time I'm done it's 11:45. Geeze that took a while. I set my alarm for 6:30 so I can make breakfast on the beach for everyone and invite the two houses out before we have to leave. We are leaving at 8 so we get to the airport by 8:15, then our plane is scheduled to leave at 9.

I quickly run in the bathroom, change my clothes, brush my hair, brush my teeth, and crawl into my bed. As soon as my face reached the pillow, I was out.

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