1 | Alive

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"Goodbye, my love."

As he pulled the trigger, every voice seemed to be muffled aside the loud bang that followed through.

The air was cold and chilly, but his sky blue eyes was colder as they locked with mine.

The corner of his lips raised, as if he was satisfied ending my life.

(That fvcker's really happy to have me as his dessert.)

The eyes that I once thought was filled with warmth and adoration, was never there to begin with.

It was all lies.

My stupidity costs my brothers' lives.

My hatred for him ran deeper than I ever imagined. Yet beneath that seething resentment lay a well of self-loathing that consumed me entirely.

The bitterness was so much to bear, i just hope it would end.

(Finally, I can meet them there.)

In my final moments, I remembered something familiar that stems from my desire to live,

"Do you want to turn back time?"


Thinking about that in my final moments really made my heart ache.

Falling into despair really puts you in a position where you have illogical expectations.

(I just—)

Everything went black.

I was so sure I was dead.


My eyes widened in surprise and I gasped, as if I had been woken up from a long nightmare.

Sweat all over my skin and my throat feels dry.

It's like the feeling when you just took a nap then woke up in the evening confused and high, with a touch of dehidration.

(What the— did I actually survive that sh/t?)

Slowly getting up from the bed, I adjusted my eyes to my surroundings, and looked around in disbelief.

(Ain't this my room?)

My bedroom was somehow turned into a pristine haven.

Sunlight streamed through clean windows, illuminating the spotless, organized space.

The neatly arranged sheets on my bed beckoned with comfort. The air was filled with the soothing scent of my favorite perfume, creating a serene, inviting atmosphere.

After the tragic loss of my brothers, it descended into a chaotic disaster zone, with clothes and belongings scattered haphazardly across the floor, forgotten food containers accumulating mold in the corners, and an overwhelming stench of decay and neglect permeating the air, making it almost unbearable to stay inside.

But now? It just looks like my room before my brothers were killed.

(How did this happened?)

I thought, shiver ran down my spine as I placed my hand to my head, where I was shot. It all felt surreal.

(Is this like, where your life flashes before your eyes?)

I was a bit confused and in denial, because everything felt too real to be true, it's insane. Am I too desperate?

"What just..."

I pinched my own cheek to double check the reality I'm in, but after receiving the pain, I assume that maybe I'm in a realistic dream.

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