4 | Lunchtime

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"So, what does it feel like, first day of school?" Roman started the conversation again and I was praying to myself that he would shut up, but it's impossible.

"So far everyone's nice to me." I smiled genuinely, turning my attention to him.

"That so?"

I nodded in return.

As the extras assembled, the teacher made her entrance. I made an effort to direct my attention towards the front.

However, it seemed futile as I realized I had completely forgotten the subjects being taught, making it feel like I was learning it for the first time.

(This sucks.)

The moment the class started, I was focused in my studies, but then Roman threw a small piece of paper from beside me.

(About time.)

I glanced at him but he was focused on the teacher, as if he didn't just throw me that paper.

I faked a chuckle and opened it, revealing his phone number and a small note of,

- text me if u need anything, save my name as Chelsea ;) -

(Yeah right.)

I took a paper out of the sticky notes I have and responded to the start of his little game.

- i wanna laugh for some reason, but thanks Chelsea ^^ -

(I wanna write 'fuck off' to that fucker so badly.)

After taking care of his reply, I slide the sticky notes to his table while the teacher was busy writing on the board, making sure I won't be caught.

Doing this all over again made me realize how pathetic and dumb I used to be.

How I never noticed the signs and all other shits?

It pains me to just think about my past self.

But another chance was given, so I wouldn't let it go to waste.

I'll use every moment I can and get my revenge on him soon.


It was lunch time.

Sophia texted, asking me to have lunch together. But I refused and replied to her that I'll be eating with my brothers.

Thankfully she doesn't mind, and said to find her around the cafeteria if I changed my mind because she'll be eating with her other friends.

(Lucky to have a friend like her.)

I smiled to myself and went on my way to the cafeteria.

At first, no one gave me too much attention when I was taking my food. But as I was walking closer to my brother's table, everyone started to notice and fixed their curious gazes on me.

"Stella!" Romeo waved at me with pure excitement and I smiled, waving back at him as I approached their table, noticing a few more companies that I'm familiar with— though I wasn't supposed to be familiar with them right now.

I sat beside Romeo and Cesare, fixing my gaze to the three guys and the girl next to Luka.

"Who's this?" one of the guys asked, raising his brow at me curiously.

"Our sister, Stella," Luka introduced myself to them and I shyly waved my hand with a soft smile on my face.

"These guys are Sam, Evan, and Dean."

I immediately lose my interest. Well, I was never interested in the first place.

(Three extras. They don't know about the family business and don't have anything to do with us. In conclusion, they're safe to be around my brothers.)

As Luka introduced their names, each of them smiled at me and I returned it sincerely— not.

Then my gaze moved toward the brunette beside Luka, clinging at him while playing with her phone.

"And is this... your girlfriend?" I asked oh-so-innocently, which caught the attention of the girl and she raised her head, placing her focus on mine.

She smirked and opened her mouth, but before she could, Luka spoke first. "No, just a friend."

(A fling you mean, brother?)

"A fling you mean." Evan corrected Luka, which caused my brothers to glare at him and got Luka to laugh.

"What's a fling?" I asked, which made the three extras widened their eyes in surprise and for the girl beside Luka to burst out laughing at my question.

I was surprised and looked down, as if to show my sadness at being laughed at.

Of course my brothers noticed my change of mood, which I faked.

"Ugh, this fucking bitch—" Cesare was the first one to curse angrily at the girl, causing her to flinch, but it was cut off by Luka.

"Oh right, Avery, didn't you have to meet your friends?" Luka asked, dodging my question and silencing Cesare by looking at the girl, Avery.

"What? What do you—" Avery then turned her gaze at Luka with a questioning look, but her own sentences were cut off when she saw his piercing glare.

Fear surfaced in her eyes and she trembled, letting go of Luka's arms and stood up from the seat.

"Yeah, right! I have to meet my friends, bye guys." She hurriedly took her bag and walked away from our table.


"Sorry about that sis, you should eat your lunch now."

I nodded my head and began eating silently, controlling my lips to twitch because it was just a great drama.

(I should ask what's a fling, a bitch, and fucking later to tease them.)

Now that I can eat peacefully, watching my brothers enjoying their foods and taking care of me brings joy in my heart that it's almost surreal.

(Good thing I can control my emotions, or I would break down every time I see them. I mean, I'm on the verge of it.)

"How's class?" Sam, one of the extras, suddenly asked, interrupting my emotional moment.

(Did he really have to open his mouth?)

"It was good! I made a new friend, her name's Sophia."

"Can I be your friend too?" He asked, seeming to notice I was a naive and innocent girl with only flowers in her head.

"Sam, shut up before I break your neck." Cesare added with a threatening look, but Sam only shrugged and said he was joking.

"Cesare, that's not nice." I tried to defend the extra, acting on my part as usual, but Cesare just rolled his eyes as I expected.

(Sorry Cesare, but I need to act like this.)

"That's great, is she nice?" Luka looked at me with a curious gaze, starting a new topic.

"Super duper nice." When I said that, my brothers were giving each other a knowing look.

It seems that they were worried about what kind of friend Sophia's truly is considering my naive personality.

Yeah I understand.

(Don't scare her too much guys.)

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