1. Father-Son Bonding: That's No Way to Live

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"Wait a minute," Venomous said to himself, crawling out from the vault. When Fink tried to do the same, he helped her out.

"I know this place," He muttered, looking at the familiar rummage he was surrounded with.

"My mutant bonsai-" He pointed out, remembering how Boxman had ruined one of his more special projects.

"Fink, how did this Shadowy Figure hide his laboratory under my house?! Without my notice?" Venomous asked, almost rhetorically.

Fink hesitated to answer, unmoving.

"Fink," He stressed his tone, "this is serious! He's made an enemy of K.O. and now an enemy of me."


"If that Shadowy Figure's gonna ruin me even more," His voice began to distort as he began to pace in circles, "ruin my damn chances t-to—"

Fink blurted out in worry, "Boss!"

"What?!" Venomous responded angrily, irises glowing in the shadow of his eyes, hair disheveled and lab coat losing its mint-tinted white for a more shadowy grey.

Fink could've cried, but she took a breath.

"Boss," She shifted her tone to a more somber one, "take a look at yourself."

"Look at my-" He did, and he saw the purple of skin dim before him, the sudden feeling of darkness covering his being.

"No," He cried out softly, recognizing that feeling of powerless helplessness—a feeling that hadn't intensified this much since, "since that...it worked, or was it when K.O.—"

"That's been happening a lot, Boss," Fink said, looking at him in sadness.

"What's been happening a lot, Fink?!" Venomous panicked out.

"That," Fink limply gestured to him, "Why else do you get so tired, Boss?"

"Wh-" He curled his fists, "Why didn't you tell me anything about this?!"

He raised his voice as it distorted further, "I-I took you in so we could keep an eye on each other! You're my minion! How could you-"

His raving stopped when he heard the girl sniffling.

His form still grew shadowy, but he calmed down to approach her.

He crouched to her level. She flinched away roughly when he tried to hold her shoulder.

"Don't touch me," She spat with venom, trying to hide her tears.

"Fink, I'm-"

"Boss, j-just," She faced him with teary eyes as she stepped back some more. "Please don't go..."

"Go? Why would I go?"

"If I tell you," She sobbed a little, "he's gonna take you away."

"He? Fink, I-I don't understand."

"Shadowy. He's gonna take you away," Fink was about a few feet away from him, ready to reach out for that glorb she had stolen earlier.

By this time, the man in front of her looked exactly like that Shadowy Figure.

"Fink," He tried to reach out her, "I won't let hi—"

He collapsed at the girl's feet. Fink didn't flinch, but she immediately began to load the glorb into her collar.

He gasped for air, his static eyes glitching into black, empty ones.

Fink felt the turbonic energy, not just from the glorb but from the man in front of her.

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