1. Father-Son Bonding: Mediocrity at P.O.I.N.T.

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"Silver Spark!" Greyman and Foxtail called out to their teammate in concern, busting into the locker room.

Silver was sitting down on the bench, looking sick. Rippy Roo was in front of her, shaking in shock.

"What's goin' on?" Foxtail asked out loud.

Rippy yelled noises of disgust and quickly hopped out the locker room, probably crying.

"I didn't mean it, Rippy!" Silver called out to her.

"Did something happen, Silver Spark?" Greyman asked the woman, he and Foxtail nearing her.

She put a hand on her stomach, patting around lightly. "I think I'm pregnant,"

Before either of the two could react, Silver began to sob to herself.

"Don't cry now, Silver," Greyman tried to comfort her.

"It's just-" She sniffled, "o-our- my baby! Poor little thing won't even get to see his papa,"

Greyman and Foxtail were saddened. Laserblast meant so much to them.

The three sat there for a while until Silver stopped crying.

"Whatever happened to Rippy Roo?" Greyman asked, breaking the silence.

"I...may have thrown up into her pouch,"

"Silver Spark!" Foxtail was disgusted.

"I-It was just instin—look I couldn't not throw up, alright!" Silver tried to explain herself. "I'll make it up to her, I promise!"


"Had you told me that before, maybe I wouldn't have so grossly underestimated you," Elodie laughed. "The son of two P.O.I.N.T. members? I didn't even know romance occurred within the group!"

"I'm not really sure, but based on the flashbacks I've been getting, I think all that junk wasn't so smooth." K.O. replied. "Doctor Greyman or Miss Foxtail didn't say anything?"

"Well, secrets are secrets, K.O.," Elodie remarked, opening the door into the faculty room.

The room seemed to be divided into three, each cubicle with its own little aesthetic.

The room had a meeting table in the center. Foxtail was seated at one of the ends, the one facing the door from which K.O. and Elodie had entered.

"Good thing I caught him before he could leave," Elodie greeted jokingly towards Foxtail, letting K.O. sit down.

"...and of Professor Venomous?" Foxtail asked in concern.

"I've got him under control," K.O. piped up immediately.

"I trust ya, Sugarcube," Foxtail then breathed.

Elodie then sat down.

"K.O., what was that about your dad?" Foxtail asked in apprehension. "Is this something your mother knows, or—"

"I told you already," K.O. replied bluntly, albeit uncomfortably. "Professor Venomous is my dad."

Elodie and Foxtail stared at K.O., the leader of P.O.I.N.T. almost doing a double-take.

"But you just told me Laserblast was your father on the way here!" Elodie questioned in surprise.

"H-he's supposed to be g-" Foxtail rambled out audibly but quickly cut herself off. "K.O., I'm sorry, but I just don't understand—"

"I'll explain!" K.O. banged his fists on the table, that spark of purple blasting visibly in his irises.

The boy sighed heavily. "Look, I just wished I didn't have to find out that way, or for things between him and Mommy to go so sour..."

OK K.O.! Divided Destinyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن