1. Father-Son Bonding: Let's Get Shadowy

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Right. Today was Saturday.

"You've got everything with you, K.O.?"

"Yes, Mommy!" K.O. replied back in a chipper voice, his stuff in hand.

As the young hero got in the tank, his fears began to kick in.

He wondered how being with his evil dad was going to be like--would he try to hurt him? Screw with his mind again?

K.O. hoped that perhaps Professor Venomous would actually realize how much they were actually missing out on.

"You okay back there, peanut?" Carol asked her son as she began to park the tank in front of Boxmore's doors.

"I'm fine, Mom," K.O. unbuckled his seatbelt and grabbed his things. "Still trying to wrap my head around dad being a supervillain and all..."

"If you wanna go back, we still can-" Her dialogue was cut off by the rapping of Boxman's scaly chicken-foot hand against her window.

Boxman awkwardly thumbed up outside, waiting for K.O..

"If Lase-erm-Venomous I mean, tries to do anything to hurt you, call me immediately, 'kay kiddo?"

K.O. nodded as he exited the door.

"Love you, honey!"

"Love you too, Mommy,"

He caught Boxman trying to say some words to his mother, none of which she responded to.

The two watched the tank leave the area.

"Hey there, K.O.!" Boxman greeted to the best of his politeness.

"Hi, Boxman!" K.O. responded with the same vigor, walking alongside Boxman who was heading into the factory.

Noticing the load of his bag, "You're staying here overnight?"

"I...want to stay the whole weekend." K.O. replied. "I bet Dad wants that too."

Boxman laughed awkwardly. "Well, PV always had a way with children! I-I mean, with how surprisingly amiable he got with my um,"

Boxman immediately noted K.O.'s discomfort.

Sighing, "Look, I know villainy isn't really your thing, but if you want to get something good out of this,"

K.O. looked at Boxman directly in the eyes.

"I suggest you give your Daddy a chance." Apparently right there, Boxman knocked on Venomous's door.

Venomous's door slid open as Boxman left K.O. there. A dark gas escaped the room, and K.O. was too slow to cover his nose.

Thank goodness it was just decorative scented gas—Venomous immediately assured his son so as he took K.O. in.

It smelled like K.O.'s favorite vintage berry lollipops.


"We have so much catching up to do!" The Professor announced gleefully.

"What do you wanna do, K.O.? Let's,"

Threaten the congresswoman? No!

Pollute the water supply? Doesn't everyone need to drink clean water?

"—attack the plaza!"

"I work there," K.O. responded briefly and bluntly. "All those things you said are evil!"

"Oh!" Venomous chuckled to himself with a brief expression of self-doubt that graced his face which quickly turned into polite glee.

He tried to ruffle K.O.'s hair, "surely you wanna know what your old man does at work, right?"

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