Not just an everyday nightmare

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Ink Sans searched frantically through the Doddle Sphere looking for an A.U. Any A.U.
Everything was just blank paper fraying at the edges. The once bright and colourful place was dull with only the colours from Ink's form.
"Come on! Please just give me one! Any one! Even a bad one!" Ink yelled swiftly going from pager to page, section to section. "Please don't let me be the last one! I can't be! It's not meant to be this way!"
More blank pages just fraying at the edges. "Where are the A.U.s!!!"
"It's too late Ink..." A whisper from all around Ink echoed.
"Dream! Help me! The A.U.s are disappearing!"  Ink called out looking around for the bright guardian of dreams.
"I can't stop it Ink... I tired... I tried!"  Dream's voice echoed loudly at the word 'tried'. Ink covered their skull with their gloved hands. Eye lights flickered to shaking dots and heavy breathing.
"Wake up Ink you idiot!" Nightmare's voice then echoed closely overpowering Dream's voice.
"What did you do!" Ink yelled into the sky.
"Ink help us!" Dream called out sounding weak.
"Dream! Where are you!"
"Ink! Just think for a moment! Where were you last!" Nightmare growled angrily. Think. Think. Think. Think. He was in the Doddle Sphere. Looking for A.U.s. Looking for anyone else.
"I'm in the Doddle Sphere!" Ink yelled back snapping their skull around looking for the gooy skeleton. No one else.
It was just him.
He was all alone.
"Someone! Please! Help!!!"
Even Dream and Nightmare didn't respond.
Where was everyone?!
But no body answered.
The world around Ink swirled. White. White. White.
Nothing but white.
The pages were gone.
Every single one of them.
It was just...



No one but Ink.
Just a white place known as the Anti Void.

Ink stumbled on nothing falling flat onto their front. Their skull hurt. Most likely from hitting it on the ground when
Ink tripped over..
Everything was gone. All that Ink stood for... creation... protecting the A.U.s... friends... everyone... was gone. Ink had failed...
"Please.... anyone... Even a bad one..." Ink begged slowly sitting up. Phalanges found their way to the humeruses hidden under the fabric of Ink's clothing and gripped tightly. Even the self embracing caused nothing to stop the shaking and this sick feeling that was rising.
The grip tightened. Ink wasn't scared. It was impossible seeing as what was used was a fake soul. All those emotions were fake.
Everything was okay. Ink was still here. Therefore the original universe must be okay.
"Hurry Ink! Please! Hurry!" Dream's voice was a faint whisper barely hearable.
"Dream! Where are you!" Ink yelled looking around. White. White. White. White.  White.
"Ink... I can't keep myself together much longer..." Dream's voice was full and panic and was weak. Very very weak.
"Portal! I need a portal!" Ink exclaimed and reached behind to grab the very trusted-nothing. Blank space air.
"Ink! Wake up!" Dream yelled sounding s but louder then before but still was very quite.
"What do you mean! I am awake! T-this whole thing is real! I feel the fabric! I feel the ground! The Anti Void is still blinding white!" Ink questioned. Were they going insane? "What is going on!!"
"Ink! Wake up! If you won't listen to my weak brother then listen to me! Wake up and do something already! It's already started!" Nightmare yelled. He sounded louder, better then Dream.
"Dream! Nightmare! Help me please! What is going on? Where is everything!" Ink asked now standing. No wait. Floating. Where was the ground?
Now they were silent again. Ink was alone. Once again.
Ink tried to move around but it was as if nothing worked. All movements were restricted...
"Come on!" Ink yelled and tried taking a step forward. Moving their leg was like it was weighted heavily or wading through something making it next to impossible to move. "Let me move!"
Something cracked and crackled.
Letting out a battle cry/scream Ink took another step. Something shattered
Suddenly Ink was spinning, falling wildly. Ink screamed unable to control their falling.

Ink sat up breathing heavily and looked around. Ink laid on a couch in a lounge room. It looked like...
"Ink? What's the matter?" Underswap Sans asked worried. Underswap. An A.U.
"Oh Stars! You're okay!" Ink exclaimed. Ink then checked for Broomie. "Broomie!" Ink then hugged the large paint brush closely.  "Dream! Where is Dream! No wait. Stars! I need to check the Doodle Sphere!" Ink yelled and opened a portal to the Doodle Sphere.
"Ink, what about our sleep over?" Underswap Sans asked looking a bit sad and confused. They gripped a star covered blanket closer.
"I'm sorry Blue but I need to check the Doodle Sphere and Dream. I will come back as soon as I can." Ink replied. Blue nodded and smiled.
"Good! We then can make breakfast tacos!" Blue cheered, star shaped eye lights sparkling happily.
"Will do!" Ink smiled then jumped through the portal.
Ink grabbed the first floating sheet of paper that was seen and checked it. The A.U. of UnderFell was depicted on it. Ink let a breath of relief slip through their teeth and let go of the page, looking around. All the pages there had A.U.s on them and white flecks of dust and dirt floated around reflection light. "Now to check on Dream."
Ink opened another portal and went through swiftly and ended up tackling Dream to the ground.
"Ack! Ink! Careful!" Dream exclaimed holding a wrapped up box carefully and checked for any damage to the box.
"What is that?" Ink asked and moved off Dream. Dream stood up and brushed themselves down.
"It's gift for Nightmare. I want him to know I still care even after all the fighting." Dream smiled. "I hope it will mend some of the wounds! Well start on it since he is still aggressive." Dream then giggled.
"That's great!" Ink cheered eye lights changing to an exclamation mark and a star.
"Thanks! I hope Nightmare thinks so too!" Dream smiled.
"Well, I'll get going now. See ya Dream!" Ink said opening a portal back to the Doodle Sphere again.
"See ya Ink!" Dream replied and waved Ink away as Ink entered the portal before looking for Nightmare.
Ink smiled and gave the Doodle Sphere on last look before heading for Blue's house to continue the sleep over not noticing a single blank page with frayed edges.

[1085 words 30/9/2019]

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