Chapter 10

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"Alright! Let's get this moving!" Kristen shouts once we arrive backstage. Everyone turns to look at us, seemingly confused as to what's going on, until they see me. Confusion and excitement waves over the staff and everyone congratulates me as I approach my mark. I smile at everyone, tears in my eyes at their show of loyalty and support and I hug some of the crew, including Rachael, Kevin, and Joey, my stylists. When I start to hear people shuffling around in the grandhall, I turn and face everyone.

"I-I want to thank all of you for everything you have done for me from the day I started with this company until now, my last performance with you," I address them, keeping my tears at bay, but slowly realize I can't force myself to speak through the frog in my throat.

"We love you, Olivia!" they all call back, offering a quiet round of applause.

"We know how much this means to you dear," Rachael says, giving me a thumbs up.

"Thank you... thank you..." I all but cry out before turning away from them and taking a deep breath. Letting them relax for the show since it's simply going to be me, my piano, and my hope. My ears start to buzz with static nerves as I watch the room dim and I feel Kristen and Matthew walk up behind me.

"You can do this, Olivia," they say together. I turn to them and throw myself into their arms, the hug giving me the courage I needed.

"Thank you both. You've been like family to me since day one and I don't know how I can repay you," I say into their chests.

"No need to thank us for anything. You made most of this happen, we just pushed you here and there," Kristen says and Matthew offers me a playful wink. I reflect the smile they are giving me proudly. "You're ready."

With this, I spin on my heel and face the audience as I walk onstage in the dark and sit down at the piano. There is no sound other than the bustle of a large crowd of people which tells me that no one has seen me yet. I count down from five, as I know Matthew and Kristen are doing now and I pray for Jasper to be here, listening.

Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Show time.

The lights come up and I'm forced to live the consequences of my decision as collective gasps shoot across the room and I come almost face to face with Jasper. He seems anxious as he sits in the front row, I notice that he definitely has not noticed me yet. Deciding it's time for me to start singing before everyone gets up and leaves since I'm not truly the one they came to see, I bring myself closer to the piano. I look away from the rooted crowd and play the introductory bars. I keep my eyes away from Jasper as long as I can, but once I start to sing, I can do so no longer.

As the first lyrics escaped my lips, my eyes move from the ivory and ebony keys to his green eyes, the shift in them almost making me dizzy. I force myself to keep going, as I fear if I look away from him, my message might be lost. I give my all to this performance, stretching the limits of what I can do and all but seeing the magic the brightens the room with the dream-like sound of our song. Besides the surprised look on his face, he gives nothing away and by the time the song comes to an end, I can't tell if I've succeeded in my mission.

Finally, I pull my eyes away from Jasper and look out into the crowded room at all the other people and see that I have silenced them all. Not even a murmur was heard, that is, until there is the deafening scrape of a chair against the wooden floor and all eyes turn to the offensive noise-maker. I find myself watching as Jasper gets up from his chair and storms out of the room, vanishing from my eyes within seconds and I feel my heart shattering as it had the night before. I failed, I think to myself as I stare menacingly at the door that had taken him from me. With tears threatening me with further embarrassment, I bow to the audience and walk backstage, not willing to give up the last shred of dignity I had.

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