Chapter 9

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Waking up the next morning feels like the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but for some reason, I feel better. I feel freer now that I told Jasper my truth and honestly, it's up to him to decide if he can accept me. It's like I cried out all of my questions and turmoils, and now, I feel like the old me. I feel like the Olivia who didn't need Rose Grey to give her confidence, the Olivia that could look at herself in the mirror and smile. I could smile because I saw the amazing young woman I had become and because I saw my mother, who I knew would be proud of me.

I lay in bed until the stylists come knocking at my door and I politely send them away, which causes Matthew and Kristen to come and check up on me.

"Olivia, what are you doing? It's already past noon and you're not dressed yet," Kristen chides, tapping away at her cellphone.

"I don't need the stylists to get ready today," I state.

"What?" she says, not looking up at me. I laugh good-naturedly and pull the phone from her hands. "What are you doing? I have important emails to send!" she shouts, staring at me annoyed.

"Not today you don't," I say, taking the phone and locking it in the cabinet by my bed. "You will get it back tonight."

"Stop messing around and get ready, Olivia, we don't have time for a meltdown today."

"And I don't have time to be Rose today," I respond, ignoring her shocked expression, taking her hand, and leading her out of the room. Matthew is waiting outside in the hall patiently. "I knew you'd be there," I giggle. "Come along, we are going to have lunch together." Taking both of them by the arms, as a child might, I lead them to the empty dining hall and fill up three plates with food from the still stocked buffet. I hand the plates to their rightful owners then tell them to follow me again as I lead us out of the manor and into the gardens.

"What are we doing here?" Matthew asks, the hardness in his features slowly fading.

"We are going to have a picnic," I reply, smiling at them as I set my plate on the wire picnic table and take my place in a chair. "Sit," I offer, gesturing to the chairs.

It takes them a moment, but they finally let loose and sit with me. The lunch is amazing because it's just the three of us talking like old friends... no... family. We reach a point where none of us mention Rose or the concert, all we talk about is each other and life outside of all of this. It feels amazing to spend time with them, remembering how it used to be before I allowed Rose to control my life. But it has to come to an end when Julia and her niece Klara come upon us.

"Kristen, Matthew... you... how are the preparations for today's event coming along?" she questions, obviously digging for something that none of us plan on giving her. I take care not to show the offense at being called "you" and just offer her a polite smile.

"Everything will be just fine," Kristen says, the harshness in her voice shocking Julia.

"Well then," she says, looking over us, seemingly displeased that none of us are working yet.

"We will consult you during the later preparations, don't you worry," Matthew says, kindly.

"Do you think I could tag along again today?" Klara chimes in, the excitement of being around her idol too much for her to contain.

"Ms. Grey is going to be occupied all day, I don't think you'll get the chance to see her," I replied nonchalantly. Klara's face is drawn down in disappointment, but she nods. After all this is said, we stare at each other stiffly, none of us willing to give in to another unil, Julia decides to take her leave, pulling Klara along with her.

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