Chapter 2

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As I step out of the van and onto the platform, I'm blinded by the familiar flashing of the camera lights. I put my years of training to work and gracefully walk down the ramp to the gated entrance of the Killian Estate. My name is called by the people behind the cameras, reporters, and fans as they all fight for my attention and the best picture they can get. I smile to myself, noticing the animalistic behavior and finding it particularly hilarious. Matthew and Kristen are already waiting at the end of the ramp with the provided bodyguards to keep the people at bay once I make my debut on the ground. Once I reach them I wave and say hello to the few who make eye contact with me before I am shuffled through the gate and away from the horde. It's a short walk to the front door of the mansion considering we took the stair-ladden pathway and not the adjacent ones made of gravel for the cars to circle around back into, what I assume, are built in garages on either side of the home.

The walk up is actually quite breathtaking considering the plants are all trimmed elegantly and there are mirroring fountains on either side of the pathway. The steps that lead us to the modern, wooden front door are of refined grey stone. The house, on the other hand, is painted an almost ivory white where the windowsills and door frames are painted a contrasting olive green. There is no doubt it is a beautiful home, the only unfortunate aspect of it being those who own it. As we approach the door I force my best "meeting fans" smile across my lips. Surprisingly, we don't even have to knock before an older man dressed in a sharp olive suit opens the door and welcomes us.

"Thank you for joining us here at Killian Estates, please come in," he says proudly, stepping aside to empty the entrance of the grand foyer to us.

"Thank you very much, Sir," I reply, nodding to him as I step through the double doors first, followed by Kristen, Matthew, and two bodyguards. The foyer is just as rich as I expected it to be, covered in elegant paintings and rugs, mirrors on either side of the walls, and a rose-gold staircase directly in front. The large glass windows opposite the doors shines crisp light into the room, glinting just as brightly as the camera flashes on every polished surface. There are only six of us in the room until the doors shut, and as if on cue, the second the doors slam shut, here comes the Killians. All five of them dressed in their best outfits. Julia and Robert Killian leading the family down the steps, matching in their navy blue suit and dress but differing in their opposite statures, one being around 5'4 and the other 6'5, and their long, curly, red, and cropped, coco brown hair. Following them comes, who I can only assume is Jasper, with his incredibly good looks, styled brown hair, intelligent green eyes, and hard-working build of 6'2. I notice an almost giddy smirk as his parents move out of the way and I can see him more clearly.

Lastly comes the twins, Kelly and Crystal, who can be no more than fifteen, with their statures of a matching 5'4 like their mothers', their brown eyes, and twinning red hair, one cropped into a stern bob, and the other braided down to her midriff. They are dressed in opposingly stylish black and white skirts and tucked in shirts. Kristen and Matthew step past me to greet them first, offering their hands in turn.

"Thank you so much for this invitation, it really is a pleasure to be working with you on this event," Kristen says with dignity.

"The pleasure is all ours! We have some of your biggest fans!" replies Julia, looking past Kristen to me.

I offer her a nod and a small smile, forcing back the angry flush crawling up my neck and praising Rachael for the pale makeup coating my face and any skin showing through my costume.

"We are truly grateful for your attendance, we may have one of our best charity balls this year thanks to my amazing son here," Robert chimes in. I silence the chuckle forming in my throat from his unfailing ability to show off his son, given the opportunity.

Honestly, TrulyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang