Chapter 8

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Come afternoon, I'm washing up and preparing to put on another outfit and a whole new face of makeup while the staff comes in and sets up their materials. Since lunch I've been thinking of one thing... of one person. I want to fix what happened last night and I think I know how to, but it's risky. I would be putting my entire career on the line and could possibly damage his relationships with his parents or me, if he doesn't believe what I'm telling him. Despite all of that, I plan out what I'm going to say to him during the party. Quickly, I'm transformed, and as the moments progress, I feel sweaty and nervous until the last powder of my nose and the final button locked on my satin gown. Am I really ready to give up everything? Will I have to? I question myself as I walk with Kristen and Matthew through the suffocating mansion and feel my confidence disintegrate as we approach the brimming dance hall.

I hear my name announced behind the large doors just before they are swung open to reveal me, dressed in a lavender satin gown with shimmering, lace green and gold snakes lining the bodice, my hair in a half up braided bun, woven in with gold tinsel, and green like the color of the snakes. I scan my yellow contacted eyes over the woo'd crowd, searching for one face in particular. I'm disappointed when my search results in nothing, but try and put it aside as I'm waltzed into the fray of friends, party-goers, the fans and, the Killian family. I am pleased with the turnout when I'm taken to the fundraising table and see the large amount plastered to the board.

Jasper will be happy, I think to myself as I am once again pulled away and into another conversation, dance, or meeting. I'm grateful for the confidence the makeup and costume gives me, but I wish nothing more than to be myself, Olivia, here with Jasper. I don't allow my inner turmoil to show as I'm pushed from moment to moment, but it gets a lot harder the further into the party we go and I still haven't seen him. We are about two hours into it now, and I find myself in a conversation with Julia and Robert.

Though it doesn't fit the direction of the discussion, I ask them about my lingering question. "So, where is Jasper? I have not seen him all night."

The couple looks at each other then back to me. "He said he would show later, but he had some things to do first," says Julia. I ignore her blatant show of distrust as I thank them for everything and leave them whispering behind me. Since I have time to kill, considering the response I received from the Killians, I search for my managers with the intent of questioning them about why Julia is meddling in my affairs. It only takes me a minute to spot the two, never too far apart which makes things a lot easier for me, even if they didn't know it.

"Rose," Kristen addresses me. "I would like you to meet some of our companies publishing partners."

Though I have my own agenda and I wish I could be a normal person and completely disregard this new person, I know as Rose Grey I can't do that. So, I greet them. "It's a pleasure to meet you..."

"Oh, they call me Chuck, but formally I'm known as Charles Newman."

"Well, it is very nice to make your acquaintance Mr. Newman." I maintain a short conversation with him, but make it very clear that I must discuss something with my managers when I realize I could stay talking to this man for the entire party.

"Of course! I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time!" he exclaims, shaking my hand enthusiastically. "Good luck with your performance tomorrow, I'm sure it will be revolutionary!"

I smile, thank him, and wave as he backsteps away from us and disappears behind the folds of people. I turn my attentions to Kristen and Matthew.

"You needed to talk with us?" Matthew inquires.

"Why is Julia Killian investigating me?" I ask, shooting straight to the point.

I watch anxiety jump into Julia's eyes but, as per usual, she is quick to kill the sentiment. "It's nothing you need to concern yourself with," she says and I look from her to Matthew who stares at me with a hardened expression.

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