Chapter 4

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"You're late! I believe I told you to be here by two and here you come, waltzing up at 2:10!" Kristen exclaims, clutching her ipad in her hand and pointing the other at me.

"I know, I'm sorry. I was... held up," I reply, choosing not to tell them who kept me.

"Olivia, this is an extremely important show for you and the company. I really thought you understood that," Matthew says and I look over to him, saddened by his disappointed face.

Ten minutes is precious when it comes to Rose Grey, I need to be more careful, they are counting on me. "Yes, I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I swear," I promise and under the constraints of time, they decide to let it go and hurry me into the room to prepare for our last half of the day, which consists of the first dinner party of the week. Since we arrived on Sunday, which was yesterday, and the performance isn't until Saturday, the Killian's have decided to throw small parties every day until Friday. Friday being the largest party of them all to excite everyone for the performance Saturday night.

Putting on my best face, I wait two hours until my staff is finished re-transforming me into Rose Grey with the same colored-purple wig, however this one is loose and travels all the way down my back, with bangs sweeping over my right eye. I have on a very costume-like dress with purple coloring and white trim along the off-the-shoulder sleeves. After they put in the red-colored contacts, they finally put me in a pair of black fishnet tights and top it off with some white ankle-boot heels.

"Perfect," I say as I thank the staff and walk out to meet Kristen and Matthew as usual until together we walk down to the ballroom where the party will commence. Halfway to our destination, we add two bodyguards to our party. One stands in front of me and the other behind, leaving Kristen and Matthew at my sides. "Why do I need bodyguards, isn't it a small party with a restrictive guest list of solely all Killians?" I question, looking between the burly men.

Matthew shakes his head, "Who told you that? Nevermind, it doesn't matter. It seems the Killians have invited a few of their friends who are fans of yours as well as a couple of paparazzi," he explains.

"I see."

"So, we need you to be on your best behaviour," Kristen chimes in as she works on something with her phone.

"I will," I say, knowing I'm not in a good place with her right now and that verbal clarification will help me more in this situation.

After that, we walk in silence until we reach the grand doors of their refurbished ballroom. This was the one room we didn't see during the tour and I suppose it was because they were setting it up for the party. Preparing myself for more people than I expected, the bodyguards move to open the large, turquoise-trimmed doors. I've got this, I think to myself, trying to eradicate my nerves as the doors are flung open and music and laughter floods out of the large, magnificently bright room.

"Wow, this is beautiful," I say, addressing the polished wood floors, the matching grand staircase we walk down, the unnaturally large crystal chandelier on the ceiling marked with paintings, and the large horde of people, dressed in their party best, dancing or talking about the dancefloor.

"They really know how to throw a party, even a small one," someone says behind me and I recognize the voice.

"Jasper Killian, a pleasure," I return, glancing over to him on my right and noticing at the same time that I have been separated from Kristen and Matthew and that the bodyguards have stayed at the bottom of the steps, watching me like jaguars.

"Yes, nice to see you again," he smiles graciously at me and I feel my heart flutter and am grateful that the amount of paint and makeup on my face hides my blush as it had the first time I saw him.

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