there's a reason they're called crushes // k. bakugou

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ashido had looked over at just the perfect moment, and a devilish grin spread across her face. "hey, bakugou!" she called and stood up from her spot, and you stared at her gaping. just what the hell did she think she was doing?!

said boy glared at her as she approached. "the fuck do you want, pinky?"

she shrugged. "nothing really. i was just wondering, do you like any of the girls in our class?"

"the hell is that supposed to mean?! i don't have time for some stupid romance shit," he growled, the faintest of pinks dusting his cheeks. "if i'm going to be the number one hero, i can't afford any dumb distractions."

you bit your lip in anxiety. oh kami, help you, don't let ashido say something!

her black and gold eyes glanced at you. "what if i told you someone in our class likes you? and that she's cute too, just too shy to confess."

"hah?!" he slammed his book shut, crimson eyes narrowed. "didn't you just hear me, damn raccoon eyes? i don't have time for that shit!"

you gulped threw a lump in your throat and stood abruptly, chair scraping and a certain heaviness to your limbs. the rest of the class's eyes turned towards you, but you kept your eyes to the ground as you walked out of the room.

"wait, (name)-chan—" ashido called after you, but she faded away as the elevator closed.

even though you knew you never had a chance, even though you knew bakugou would say those words, even though it was only a stupid daydream of yours, you still felt your heart shatter and drop to the floor, as at least with only daydreaming, there was still an impossible sliver of a chance.

and ashido had just assured you there was never a chance.

the elevator stopped at your floor, the button you'd originally pressed, but you hesitated upon stepping out. ashido would come straight to your door, as well as the rest of the girls, and possibly even midoriya and kirishima. you didn't want them to ask questions, and you knew that class-1a had some of the brightest people, you knew they had already figured out it was you who had a crush on bakugou.

so you stepped back and hit the button for the rooftop. the doors closed once more, and your back hit the wall.

a wave of tears spilled over your waterline, emotions filling you to the brim. but... why were you crying when you knew this was the reality? bakugou couldn't ever return anyone's feelings, not when he was so busy with his coursework and hero training. and bakugou especially couldn't return your feelings, he didn't even know who you were, didn't know your quirk until the sports festival when he had to face you, never even bothered giving you a rude nickname. kami, why did crushes hurt so much?

no. there was no why. crushes were called crushes for a reason. because they hurt you when they inevitably didn't work out. because they ached you when the person you were crushing on never returned your feelings. because they crushed you.

once more, the elevator doors opened, and the brisk fall air sent goosebumps down your arms. it was only the start of your second year, how were you supposed to deal with the embarrassment of bakugou and the rest of your class knowing you liked the fiery blond? you shivered, both at the thought and from the cold.

the rooftop was the one safe place you had in yuuei, where you knew no one would go. you felt free with the wind dancing around you, and the energy always felt so positive being so high in the sky. you stood above everyone else.

you sat near the edge with your knees pulled up, arms pulling them tightly to your chest as you let tears silently flow down your cheeks.

"damn you mina," you cried out, but it was a mere whisper, voice cracking.

you knew you'd never see bakugou look at you with love in his eyes. you knew you'd never see bakugou with a smile reserved just for you. you knew you'd never have bakugou pull you in tight after a long day of training. it was all just a fantasy daydream in your head that you knew wouldn't work out.

you'd been so wrapped up in your thoughts, you hadn't noticed the elevator doors open.

"so this is where you fucking hide," a familiar voice commented, footsteps quickly approaching.

eyes wide, you uncurled immediately, shocked. "ba-bakugou, what are you—"

he shrugged, standing over you. "raccoon eyes is looking for you."

you huffed. "i don't care. she shouldn't have said anything, at all." you were silent for a second before you looked up at him. "and i know that now you're up here after i pretty much indirectly confessed, you're here to tell me to fuck off and stick my feelings up my ass."

"how are you so damn sure?" he said.

"how am i—" your voice went up a pitch, and you stood, pointing an accusatory finger his way. "you just said you don't have any damn time for shitty romance. so, that's how i'm damn sure, baka!"

he growled under his breath. "i'm not... i'm not good at these types of things. the whole, confession and crushes and dating shit. but, fucking hell, (name), i can't get you out of my damn head."

you blinked with wide eyes. "wh-what?"

he groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. "i fucking... i don't know. i don't know why i said all that shit. i guess it was fucking pinky putting me on the damn spot like that, that i fucking, i don't know. i just, i fucking like your stupid ass for some damn reason."

a fresh batch of tears glistened in your eyes. "you... you're not lying, right?"

bakugou scoffed at the accusation. "you think a damn future number one hero's gonna lie over something so ridiculously stupid?"

a small smile spread across your lips. "so you really like me back, you return my feelings?"

the blond's cheeked bloomed in a cherry red. "yeah, i guess i do, dipshit. i... i really don't know what fucking comes next though. think this shit means we're dating?"

"yeah, i guess so," you replied, a blush heating your own cheeks.

you'd have to thank ashido the next time you saw her, you thought to yourself, as bakugou hesitantly and awkwardly placed a single hand on your head, telling you it was time to head back.

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