secret dancer // k. bakugou

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warning: nsfw implied!!

word count: 1.6k


"oi, nerd, you busy this weekend?"

you looked up from your phone, the blond staring up from his own. you frowned. "unfortunately so. sorry, katsuki."

he rolled his eyes. "you're always fucking busy, the fuck's going on, (name)?"

"just... busy," you murmured.

it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, and you weren't too sure why you wanted to hide it from your boyfriend; the thing was, you were a dancer for one of the biggest venues around. while your boyfriend was out protecting the world as a pro-hero, you were... entertaining. but the job didn't really leave much wiggle room for plans during the weekend, as that was when the venue was booked the most and drew in the most people.

"tch. whatever, just don't fuckin' say i never tried," he grumbled. bakugou stood from the couch. "i'm gonna head to the gym with kirishima."

you nodded. "okay, be safe. love you."

the man kissed the top of your head, mumbling an i love you too under his breath.

with a sigh, you got up from your seat on the couch, calling ashido as you walked into the kitchen.

"hey, gorgeous, what's up?" came the cheery voice of your pink-haired friend.

"i hate my life." you deadpanned.

"what? why? your life is amazing!"

even though she couldn't see you, you'd rolled your eyes. "because, i hate the hours my job makes me work, and katsuki is always trying to make plans since he works so often as a hero. but! i can't! fucking! go on them! because! work!" your loud groaned echoed over the phone.

you could hear her laugh. "have you even told him yet?"

you scoffed. "what am i supposed to tell him, mina-kun? that i dress up in skimpy outfits every weekend dancing for a concert venue to make ends meet?"

"i mean... that's what you do, right?"

"you're not helping," you whined.

she giggled. "sorry, sorry. just... i don't really know what to tell you, (name)-kun. i'm sure bakugou would understand."

"maybe," you replied. "just seems pretty dull in comparison, you know? he's a fucking pro-hero, top five even, and there's me, his girlfriend, who dances, and i'm not even the best one."

ashido gasped theatrically. "no! none of that talk, you hear? you are actually the best dancer there, if i do say so myself. and bakugou may be a bit of a dick, but i don't think he'd be that shallow. he'd probably think you're being stupid right now."

silence hung through the line until you sighed. "ugh, you know, i hate it when you're right."

you could see your best friend's shit-eating grin. "yeah, yeah. but you love me anyway. you're still dancing for that one band this weekend, right?"

"that one band." your voice mocked the pink girl. "i dance for bands every weekend, mina-kun, don't be stupid. i still have a couple tickets reserved for you anyway, feel free to bring a plus one."

"sweet, thank you!" she gushed. "well, i gotta go. see you saturday."

"see you." and the line died.

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