snowflakes and coffee // s. todoroki

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word count: 762

summary: a cold morning watching the snowfall with your boyfriend.


  you didn't know when this became a habit, but since you were a child, you would always wake up early in the winter, content with watching the snowfall before the day began. and even as childhood passed, and you grew up to be an adult living with her hero boyfriend in the city, the habit still stuck.

  you no longer needed an alarm, and you rose from your bed, gently removing yourself from shouto's hold. the boy twitched ever so slightly, but he didn't wake. you grabbed the spare blanket from your office chair and slipped it around your shoulders before padding over to the patio. there were a couple small, outdoor chairs, and you took a seat, tucking your sock-clad feet under you.

  the air was crisp and cool, and you watched the snow fall with a gentle smile, little white snowflakes drifting onto the railing of the patio. the sunrise cast a small glow, and you loved the soft hues coloring the snow.

  you thought back to the times when you were a child, when your mother would bring you out onto the front porch; you usually had a hot chocolate with you, and she would bring you into her lap as you happily sipped and watched the snowfall with her. those days were simpler times, and sometimes you wished you could travel back. now you were an adult, no longer dreaming of becoming a hero, but actually working as a sidekick in a respectable agency downtown.

  the streets below were relatively empty, save for the few cars that would pass by; the florist across the way was starting to open her shop, setting up some white lilies and red roses outside the door on the stands. the coffee shop was lit up, a few people entering the building in search of warmth and coffee. on the days you had to go into work, you would always stop by there beforehand and grab a few extra cups for your coworkers.

  "morning," a tired, groggy voice greeted from behind you.

  you turned, smiling up at your boyfriend. his hair was in disarray, red mixing with white, eyes drooped, and pajamas disheveled. he had two cups of coffee in his hand., "good morning, shou-kun."

  "a splash of milk and two spoons of sugar," he mumbled as he handed you the cup in his left hand. "mind if i join you?"

  you nodded and scooted over in the chair, opening up the blanket to him. he slid in and wrapped his arms around your waist as he brought you against his chest. "sorry, i always get up early during the winter."

  "i've noticed," he replied.

  you both took a few sips of your coffees, and you set yours down on the small table between the two chairs. you two sat in silence for a few minutes, watching the snow as it danced through the air.

  "it's just so pretty out here," you smiled. "it's like, it's like magic."

  "magic?" his brows furrowed.

  you hummed to confirm your statement, "when the sunrises, the snow like, changes color. it has this sparkle to it and looks blue. it's pretty."

  shouto nodded to himself, "oh."

  "my mom and i used to sit out on mornings like this," you told him. "we'd sit for hours and talk about anything and everything."

  "well, if you want, we could continue the tradition," he murmured, his cheek resting against your head.

  you turned, peering up at him, "shou-kun?"

  he hummed, eyes meeting yours.

  "no offense, but you hate mornings." you giggled.

  "but i don't hate you," he replied. "i actually love you, so i wouldn't mind getting up early."

  your cheeks bloomed red, and he laughed quietly. "i-i mean, if you really want to, we can?"

  he smiled, "then i'll happily wake up with you and watch the snowfall as the sun rises."

  you pressed your lips to his cheek, "i would like that, thank you, shou-kun."

  "of course, (name)." just before you could turn back to the snow, you felt his cool touch on your chin, and you looked up and to the side to face him. his lips caught yours in a kiss, one you smiled into; you cupped his cheek with your hand and pulled away, "you're too cute."

  "oh, but you're cuter," you replied with a cheeky grin. "we should head back inside, i can't feel my toes anymore."

  he nodded, lifting you up with him; you squealed in surprise and hooked your arm around his neck with a blush. "come on, i'll warm you up and then we can make breakfast."

  "sounds like a plan."

bnha imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora