Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: In Chapters 1, 5, 19, and 15!

Kakashi woke up to the warmth of a body curved to his side and a soft weight on his chest. He looked down and smiled softly, kissing the top of Ryu's head softly. He could feel her presence strongly besides him. He could also feel her sleeping mind. He gently brushed her chakra with his and she stirred, moving closer.

'Let her sleep, you demon wolf.' A growl rumbled through his mind. Kakashi blinked in surprise. He had forgotten about the Kyuubi that resided in her. She barely ever used the Kyuubi's power. She was powerful on her own. 'I do not like that your chakra now mixes with hers. It is cramped enough as it is! However, I will tolerate it for her happiness.' Kurama said.

Kakashi made a mental note to be cautious of the fox. He closed his eyes to go back to sleep but knocks on his door stopped him from doing so. He really didn't want to get up from the warmth of his bed or wake Ryu. The knocking was even louder than before and Kakashi growled lowly. He gently pulled away from Ryu and stood up and stretched, going to his drawers and pulling pants out and quickly putting them on before the person could knock again.

He passed by his discarded shirt and remembered that his face was bare. He looked around quickly for something to cover his face and saw his Icha Icha book and hesitated for a second before picking it up and opening to a random page and using the book to cover the lower half of his face.

It was an ANBU telling him to report to the Hokage as soon as possible, with Fox too, then he left. Kakashi sighed and shook his head in defeat, going to wake up Ryu.

~The Kyuubi Twins~

Tsunade sat at her desk with her hands crossed in front of her and her chin resting on them as she thought how to convince Ryu to go with Naruto into hiding.


The kages were sitting around the circle desk, discussing about the war plans when the Tsuchikage asked where they would be hiding the Kyuubi and Hachibi. "Hide?!" Tsunade frowned.

"What?!" The Raikage exclaimed.

"We need their strength! What are you talking about?!" Tsunade yelled.

"I thought so too, but they are the enemy's objective. We can't let them fall into the wrong hands...this is what we decided at the previous meeting." The Tsuchikage replied, calmly.

"But we are talking about Uchiha Madara! Without them, we won't stand a chance! We need all the strength we can get!" Tsunade argued.

"This is a war to protect them. It's not your decision to make. We took a vote." Gaara interrupted.

"You're just a kid! Naruto is-" Gaara cut her off.

"I know him well...Naruto takes too many risks when it comes to his friends...that's why." Gaara explained. Tsunade glared at Gaara.

"Then what about the other half of the Kyuubi, Uzumaki Ryuuko?" Tsunade snarled. "The twin that is an ANBU who specializes in Assassination, Tracking and Infiltration?" Gaara became quiet.

"Convince Kakashi that hiding her is the best for her, to keep her safe. I'm sure that he'll convince her for you after you do that."

-Flashback Ends-

Tsunade stared at her two ANBU in front of her. "You two can take your masks off. This won't require you to be ANBU." She said. The two nodded and took off their masks, revealing their faces to her. Tsunade saw a spark in Ryu's eyes and felt the combined chakra of the two. She then noticed the mark on Ryu's neck and it confirmed her suspicions. She sighed.

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