I got up from the floor and made my way into my room to get dressed for work. The entire time my mind kept racing back to Raye and unknown to me, my lips would curl themselves into a smile and I couldn't stop it.

In no time I got ready for work and then I left.
I went out the door, out of the apartment building and into the streets.

The whole bus ride to work I couldn't get Raye out of my thoughts.
Throughout my entire shift, I kept smiling to myself and a few of my colleagues kept glancing over to me as if I were crazy.

If only they knew the reason for me undeniably happy, they too would feel the same for me.

* *

After work had ended I made my way home where I contemplated my future actions. I thought about who to tell first and eventually, I came to the conclusion that I should start with my family.
Perhaps my sister Cassie and I went ahead and rang her up.

"Aww, you miss me already?" Her familiar voice came on the other end of the line and I chuckled.

"Eww, no." I joked and she laughed.

"What's up?"

"I got in from work a few minutes ago, you?"

"At the apartment. I'm getting ready to go out with Jon." Cassie replied and I smirked.

"Mm, we're going out with Jon a lot recently," I replied in a very teasing tone which made Cassie giggle. I could tell she was blushing even though I wasn't there.

"Girl, that's a fine ass man. What would I be doing passing up on such fresh meat?"

"You couldn't,"

"Exactly," She and I laughed together until the lines got quieter.

"Is everything okay, are you feeling alright?"

"Yes. Well no, it's why I called."

"Something wrong?" I could feel my sister frowning. Her traits were so predictable I could tell you what she was doing without even being there to see it.

"Promise not to get mad?"

"I promise, now spill." I moved from the couch to go look out through the window, exhaling once I was there.

"Raye came to see me yesterday." I rushed out and I heard my sister gasped loudly.

"She did what?"

"I'm not even joking. She showed up at my door unannounced yesterday at noon. I could've sworn I saw a ghost."

"Fuck Brie, how did it play out? Did you curse her out, w-what did you do?"

"We talked and for hours. She and I spoke about everything and then I asked her to spend the night a-and we-"

"Oh god don't say it," Cassie cuts me off and I started to feel a little scared.

"It happened either way. We ended up having sex and then we fell asleep together and this morning we talked again." I sighed.

"I know that sigh. I know exactly what it means. It means you're now torn apart inside. You don't know what to think or believe anymore because she showed up at your apartment and you ended up talking and things felt familiar to you."

"I love her Cas, I never stopped loving her and now that she showed up again makes me realize that I still do.
I know I shouldn't but fuck, being in her arms felt so right and so good. I understand if you're appalled at my behaviour but I needed to let someone know.
She told me to think about giving us a second chance and I swear I want too, but I'm afraid again."

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