T W E N T Y - S I X

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There was a knock at my door. The morning was early yet somehow I was up unable to sleep throughout the night. I spent the entire time awake overthinking and watching stuff on the internet regarding the Italian and Irish mob, which in retrospect I shouldn't have done.

I needed to know things. Learn things if there was the possibility that I would be staying with Raye despite what I've heard.

When I saw and read that information about the mafia and everything they did, including their lifestyle I was plunged even further into a pit of uncertainty. I wasn't sure if I wanted to but all that sorta vanished when I had gone to the door.

I already had a sense of whom it was so there was no need for checking; there was only one person who could've been on the other side and at that hour so the moment I opened the door she stood glaring at me with an unreadable look.

My heart had quickened its pace while I watched as she eyed me up and down without saying a word. We were standing there for about a minute or more gawking at the other before she pushed past me gently, guiding me away from the entryway by my hand and then closing the door behind us.

Raye still didn't say anything to me, she just slowly backed me up against the wooden surface behind me, pressing herself into my body. She smelled of something delicious, with a hint of wine tangled in between that mixture.
It was sweet, her scent was always inebriating to me so when she had leaned forward pressing her mouth to mine, my fortified forefront dissolved.

Our lips brushed tenderly for a few seconds before it turned into a passionate brawl between us.

Raye had me pinned against the door as our lips locked in a series of very deep kisses. My breaths were coming rushed and I didn't care, at that moment all I wanted was her and nothing else.

I grabbed hold of the back of her head, tangling my fingers into her soft hair and she grunted and with a sound that I'd never heard from her before. It was of an origin of pure lust and dark cravings and I loved it despite hearing it for the first time.

"Mm, I missed you,"

She said with lust thick in her tone and my knees buckled at the way she said it.
There wasn't much for me to do now as I was completely wrapped up in a different frame of mind. All my concerns and fear were now replaced by this pent up desire for Raye. I needed her and not just physically.

I needed her mentally, I needed to know that she would be there for me just the same, all of that along with the pulsing between my legs caused me to give up the fight that had been ongoing inside of me.

We didn't waste any time figuring out much, we both just knew what we wanted. I was led to the closest surface that wasn't uncomfortable; which happened to be the couch at the time and Raye took control henceforth.

Her usual calmness and sensitive disposition during the times we were intimate was replaced by a hungry and possessive side of her I hadn't seen before.

The way she dragged her fingernails and teeth across my flesh left me gasping in both pain and pleasure. The harsh way in which she collected my lips in between hers filled me with a libidinous flame. How she continued to do the same with my nipples left me crying out from the pain but I loved it.
By the time she had made it halfway down my body my flesh stung because of the marks, she had placed unto me.

All the way down she went caressing and passing me through her lips with a hunger that was somewhat frightening.

Her aggression fused touches caused me to unravel beneath her in seconds, while she continued to ravenously devour me.

* *

I was too tired afterwards to say anything to her. I laid with her curled up against me on the couch never to wake hours after.

She was still holding me and rather tightly. It caused me to wake up to a feeling of security yet again, a feeling of warmth and affection that for a moment I forgot was wholesome.

I forgot that she was gone for so long, I forgot why she was even gone so long, everything was just a blur. All that felt real and right was her holding me the way she did, her softly breathing against the back of my neck with her arms strung around me.
Those were the things that mattered and in that instant, I felt like I knew what I wanted.

I was certain of what I wanted, I wanted her along with the good and the bad. I wanted her only because she made me happier than I had ever been. She reflected and did so much including letting me inside of her world. She could've chosen anyone besides me but she chose me instead and that was something I could never get over.

* *

"Raye," I whispered after I had been stirring for a bit. She brushed up against me barely and hummed, letting me know that she was beginning to stir as well.

After a moment or so she was hovering above me, the sleep gone from her eyes and was replaced with an ardent glare.

"I missed you," I admitted and she smiled.

"I'm sorry that I was gone for so long."

"Why did you?"My question caused her to pause as she contemplated. It was rhetorical; I already knew why but I wanted to hear her say it.

"I had things to take care of." She replied concisely.

"Things being that poor boy?" I pressed and her expression morphed into something faintly aloof.

"Along that line, yes. Look Brienna, you know what it is that I do, please don't act like it's all-new. I have been do-"

"Did you do it?" I cut her off and she quieted and glared at me with jarred lips.

"Would it change anything if I did, would you stop loving me and begin to hate me?" She asked and I felt a tightening in my chest. The fact that she asked those questions meant that she had been thinking about it just as I had been thinking, strongly of everything.

"Baby," I cupped her face with my palms and she squeezed my arm.

"Why would I stop loving you?"

"Because I know you have questions and fears. You have a mind that entertains prejudice quite like everyone else's. It wanders,"

"I am scared of what's happening but that doesn't mean I'll stop loving you. I just need to be certain that I wouldn't end up a victim is all."

"I promised you that you won't and I meant that. If it makes you feel safer I could help you get another apartment, somewhere much, much safer. Anything to make you feel protected."
Raye rushed and I frowned a little.

"I don't want to move, I'm just worried that somehow I'll end up in the violence."

"You won't, I swear it!
But think about it Brienna, if you ever feel like your safety is being messed with tell me and I'll move you to an apartment well secured than this."
I heard the sincerity in her voice and I nodded, swallowing something hard in my throat.

"You're my everything and I'm going to protect you until the end of my days. I knew what it meant having you apart of my life, it meant all this confusion and more.

Sometimes I worry that I'm not doing you any good by being around but when I hear your voice, or see the way you smile or when you hold me, I just forget everything.

I get so consumed by you that things become so much clearer to me.
Please just trust me when I say that I'll do all that is right to keep you safe and with me," She replied and I found myself believing every ounce of what she said.

It's something that she'd been firm about since the beginning, having and keeping me safe. She never stopped stressing it so there must be some amount of truth to it.
The only frightening thing about hearing those words was that she knew there was a possibility that I could end up getting involved, and that scared me the most.

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