T W E N T Y - T W O

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Waking up to the feel of Raye hugging me while she slept was undoubtedly the most comforting thing I'd ever experienced. I felt safe within her arms, safer than I should've been allowed to feel but I was and it was something that I had gotten used to. Having her around always made things seem better for me.
To see her smile and how perfect her eyes would light up usually captures my breath, but right now having her arms wrapped around my body was everything.

For a moment I stirred fixing myself so that I would be face to face with her and after a while, her eyes fluttered open with their long lashes batting slowly. The first thing she met me with was a huge grin, it made me giggle at how much of a good mood she often woke up in.

"Good morning," Raye greeted and planted a little kiss on my cheek and fixing her gaze on me afterwards.

"I could never get tired of seeing you wake up, you're always so happy and it's infectious,"

"Who wouldn't wake up happy while laying next to you?"

"No, I think it's just you," I said and she pulled me in and kissed me plush on my lips and I kissed back. Her mouth was soft against mine as she bit my lower lip and slipped her tongue onto my own, causing memories of last night's session to flash within my mind.
With each stroke of her tongue against mine, I grew even more aroused and Raye noticed. She hummed against me, slowly crawling over me, fixing herself between my legs.

She broke her lips away from mine to whisper into my ear all the things she wanted to do to me before grabbing hold of my earlobe between her teeth.
The act caused me to burst out with laughter and she paused over me.

"What's so funny, I thought you loved hearing those type of things?"

"I do, it just tickles the way you nibble on my ear,"

"Oh really, I had no idea," she answered sarcastically with a smirk and quickly reached for my ear again. My skin was riddled with goosebumps each time she teased me and I couldn't help but get excited.

"Oh, no we can't,"

I whimpered after I felt her hands sneaking into my shorts, but still, she pushed further. The contact of warm flesh against flesh caused me to gasp and I closed my eyes to savour it despite what I said.

"Why not?"

"Mm, because I have to get ready for work really soon and if we do this I'm gonna be late,"

"So what, you're always punctual. Being late this once won't hurt," she said in between kisses against my neck and I froze, exposing myself further for her.

"Maybe, maybe it won't." I was now breathing a bit harder due to the fact that she was touching my clit, running circles around it with the tip of her fingers while kissing the most sensitive part of my neck. Basically, she had already gotten me where she wanted me, and there was no turning back.

Raye spent a few minutes building me up so that I would be ready and honestly I was enjoying every bit of it.

But it didn't last.

She had my nipple fully inside of her mouth when her phone rang, throwing everything off and she left me to answer it.

"Give me a few, I promise I'll get done before you know it," she said and dashed from on top of me.

"What is it?" I heard her say after she had left my bedroom and was now standing out in the hallway. I only heard one side of the conversation and from what I was getting, something was wrong.

"What do you mean you haven't seen him, Jimmy, how long has he been gone?"

"Well, maybe you should try checking everywhere you know he'd go. Try the motels, his house, try some of the girls he sleeps around with someone must've seen him. Try the bars you guys go too, try everywhere."

"Good, let me know when you find him, I'm getting tired of him doing shit."

"I'll be at the house a bit later,"

She came back in and I was sitting up in bed, our eyes locked and she looked a little concern.

"What's wrong?" I questioned and she came over to sit next to me.

"Matteo, it's been a little while and they can't seem to find him anywhere." She said and I studied her words carefully, many thoughts about it ran across my mind.

"Has he ever disappeared before?"

"Yes, most of them do. Each time we would find them at a prostitute's apartment, or in a bar."

"And Matteo, he disappears too?"

"Yes, a lot and for days. His wife is usually the one to let us know."

"Oh. I hope he's alright," I answered and Raye examined my face for a moment. I saw the way her eyes had roamed, gazing at my lips and before I knew it she had reached in to capture it between hers.

"As much as I enjoy this I need to get ready for work," I said pulling away and she groaned.

"Give me ten minutes, please,"

"I can't."

"Please," she begged and I lost it the second her fingers were pushed into my shorts again. They slowly entered my opening and I threw my head back and moaned.

"Fuck, just ten minutes," I agreed and she pushed me into the mattress. Her fingers diving further into me, stroking and adding pressure to my walls and within no time I was gripping the sheets, moaning her name in pure ecstasy.

* *

For most of the day, I kept in contact with Raye, making sure that she was okay and also the guys. Over a couple of months, she and I had been seeing each other, I've gotten familiar with the men by her side.

Jimmy and Matteo were usually the ones who drove me to and from places Raye had requested of them and I had gotten used to their faces and likewise.

At first, there was no conversation between myself and those men but that changed. They knew who I was and because of that, I was treated with respect and generosity; which I never expected at all.

Now that one of them hadn't been seen for a while left me worried over his wellbeing. I knew these men were criminals but being around them when they weren't robbing or killing people was often an experience by itself.
To see them interact on a personal level was different.

They were different.

So it wasn't strange now that I felt a way hearing certain news about them, after all, they did things for me. The biggest fact of them all was that they made sure that I was safe as I ignored all my own personal warnings to be with their boss. They made sure that I was safe even when she wasn't around, and for some, that must mean something.

Different Worlds (wlw) Editing Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя