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"Aren't you going to at least tell us who she is?" Questioned Mia and I shrugged, ignoring the attempts of her and the rest of our friends in trying to get me to talk about Raye. They did their best though, acting inquisitively since Christopher told them that I was seeing someone.

"For the last time, all I'm saying to you guys is that she's beautiful and smart and we've only recently started going out."

"God! I hate when you get like this Brie, just tell us more. You're killing me here!" Ava muttered and I squinted in her direction. "Why is my romantic life such a big deal, don't either of you have anything to do besides pry?" I asked and they all shook their heads indicating a "no".

"We like hearing about your romantic life because, to be honest, it's steamy and interesting. When you're with someone it's when the carefree, slutty you come out; we like that Brie." Chris said and I placed my hand over my heart pretending to be offended by his words. I was used to them being unafraid of speaking their minds.

"You're low-key insulting me while asking me to share stuff about the girl I'm dating?"

"Well duh, we're your friends, it's what we do." Replied Mia and I sighed rubbing my temples. Their constant questions were getting to me, I couldn't even have my lunch without them trying to get stuff out of me.

"Alright fine, I'll spill," I conceded.

"Yay! Now, what's her name and where is she from?" Mia inquired and I glanced between my three friends who sat attentively, eyes plastered on to me.

"Her name's Rachel and she lives here, in the city."

"How old is she and what does she do for a living?" Ava adds her two cents and I rolled my eyes. "She's almost 25 and she runs a few bars," I replied leaving out a few details about Raye. They all nodded among themselves as they silently agreed on some unknown thing.

"Have you fucked her yet?" Chris chimed in and I wasn't surprised that he asked it. I was expecting him to a bit sooner.

"Yes great question, have you guys done it yet?" Mia asked wiggling her brows playfully.

"If you guys have, was it good?" Ava does the same motion with her brows and I waited until both of them stopped their snickering to respond. "No to all three of you. We have not done it yet because I've only known her for a few weeks and I'm certainly not going to jump right into bed with her that fast. It's not a bad thing, but I wanna wait."

"She's not all that hot is she?" Ava quipped.

"No, she is. She's breathtaking but we haven't done anything because I want to take things slow with her, ya know?"

"Ughh! You sound like everyone else," Mia exclaimed and I decided to unleash the pent up rant they had coming.

"Okay, first of all, it's not my fault that I take pride in wanting things to go slow—there's nothing wrong with that. Secondly, it's important not to rush into anything intimate with anyone without knowing if you like that person. Lastly, you guys wanted me to share and I did, now you're upset that I haven't slept with her yet?"

"It's because we're your friends and we want you to get laid. Desperately," Answered Mia.

"Mia's right Brie, it's been a while and I'm starting to get worried. Is something going on down there that's preventing you from having a fun time?" Ava added and they snickered.

"There is nothing wrong with me! I just want to take things slow with this girl, am I not allowed to do that?"

They shrugged.

"That's what you always say, then you end up not doing it. This is something we've all seen before." Chris explained. "Many times," He adds and I flipped him off.

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