Chapter 9: The plan

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A/N: okay so the next chapter I'm going to skip the time frame to Halloween time, so this chapter is a filler. Kinda explaining what has been going on the weeks leading up to Halloween and where we left off was the last week of September/first week of October. Hopefully you'll enjoy :)


        The past couple of weeks have been crazy. Like really crazy, now everyone sit down, Imma lay a story on you. 

        Okay so first off after Emily made that plan we all agreed on it, so we started advising a plan. I was a little hesitant about it, you know about the whole they probably know my secret. Anyway, the plan was the next school day Michael was supposed to ask out Brittany. Then he was supposed to date her until we get what we need. After he asked her out, the next day they were officially a couple. And let me tell you Michael is a really good actor, he was able to fake smiles and pretend like he actually liked her. We also dyed his hair bright blue and dyed Gabby's light purple. In public she was all happy looking, as if she was over him, but when she was with just the group she was very sad. 

        To add to this crazy week Ashton has been getting in fights and ditching school. And when I go on my midnight trips, I always see him sneak in totally wasted. I don't know what's with him, I bet it was Candy. 

        In the Calum and Taylor front, things have been great. Since me and her have been the closest, she tells me all about how awesome Calum is, and what base they've made it too. It's kinda sick but at the same time adorable. Same with Luke and Emily, except things haven't gotten that heated between them, that I now of. 

        I have also been getting threats in my locker. They all say I better not try anything with Ashton, since we are neighbors and that the person has been dying for me to do something stupid so they can spill my secret. It's kinda hard to stay away from Ashton, since he's in almost all of my classes and we have to do that big drum thing. 

        And as we get closer to Halloween, I keep hearing about this really big Halloween party that this cool guy named Tanner, is throwing. He invited almost everyone in the school, so every time Michael fills us in on the stuff with Candy and Brittany, he always says how big this thing is and that there is this costume contest, where the 2 top winners win a special prize. And all Brittany can talk about is how she and Michael need to win. I'm kinda excited to go, I can go in my wings, I mean my parents are filthy rich, no one would question why they move. I could just say that I got them professionally made.

        So that's what has been happening this past couple of weeks. 

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