Chapter 8: The sad couple

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A/NI'minbiologyrightnowandupdatingonmyphonerightnowsothisisprobablyreallyshort, anditdeletedwhatIhadbefore.Andthepictureis Brittany

              Luke and I are sitting on his couch, pigging out and watching movies. About half way through Mean Girls, I get a call from my beautiful and I mean beautiful girlfriend. "Hey chickie, what's up?"

              "Calum we have a huge problem." Oh god I hope she is not breaking up with me, if she does, I will cry. "It's about Gabby and Michael."

             I sit up straighter and Luke looks over at me and raises his eyebrow, so I put the phone on speaker. "What about them, are they okay?"

             "Well kinda, it turns out that Brittany and Candy blackmailed Gabby into breaking up with Michael. So we have to make a plan to get them back together so come over to Sky's house now. They both look so sad right now and they were also really cute together."
             "But we are cuter though, right?" As I said this, Luke gave me the 'really dude your saying that now' look.
              "Calum this is not the time," she whisper yells at me, I hope she doesn't spank me. Not gonna lie I will probably enjoy it. She pauses and says quietly, "and yes."
             Luke grabs my phone as he stands up, "We are on our way now." Then he hangs up, and pulls me to my feet and we make our way to my car. As we are about to get in Michael pulls up. He gets out and starts walking toward us. Luke and I share a look as he gets closer.
             "Hey guys, what are you up to today. I really need help getting Gabby back." I look back at Luke and he nods.
            "I'll go call Emily, be right back." He says as he walks away with his phone.
            "I look back at Mike, he has bags under his eyes and his hair is flat because he doesn't do anything with it anymore.
            "How are you doing anyway?" I ask and he looks down. I feel bad for him and Gabby, and now that I know what happened I feel angry.
            "Not good, I really want her back dude. She didn't give me a reason, she just told me we have to break up." Then he starts tearing up, I go up and hug him.
            Just then Luke comes back, "Hey I talked with the girls, they said that its okay if Michael comes. He needs to know the plan and talk with Gabby." We nod our heads and all get into my car.
              As soon as Emily got the call from Luke we decided that it was best to include Michael in the plan, maybe Gabby could talk to him and explain what happened.
              I turn to Gabby, who is sitting on the floor next to Taylor, "Are you ready to talk to him, he really needs to talk to you." She nods. About two minutes later a knock sounds on the door. I go up and answer, Luke and Calum walk in then a very sad looking Michael walks in. He sees Gabby and they both quickly look away. He goes and sits on the couch. We quickly fill them in on Gabby's back story and Michael runs up and hugs her.
            "Okay so no that everyone is here we can talk about a plan." Taylor says as she stands up. "So the twin bitches decided they could mess with our Mabby."
            "Wait, Mabby? What is that?" Emily pipes in from Luke's lap, where she was sitting.
            Taylor gives her a look that says 'how do you not know what that is'. "Mabby is Michael and Gabby's ship name. Now we need a plan to get back at the bitches that messed with us. Sky didn't you say you knew Candy?" She looks at me and I nod. "Do you have any dirt on her?"
              I look back at my time when I went to school with her, "When I was at lunch she got in trouble once because she came to school drunk. Everyone said she has a drinking problem, apparently she drinks everyday, secretly. And I heard around school that Brittany does drugs." I hope that if we get them back they won't spill my secret.
              "Yes, we will find that out and destroy them, we also have to get Ashton back from their hands. Any ideas?" Taylor asks.
              Emily raises her hand, "I got an idea. I don't know if everyone will like it though." She looks at everyone and we all nod for her to continue. "Well I was thinking that they made Gabby break up with him so Brittany could date him. I was thinking that maybe Michael, and I hate to say this, but maybe Michael should fake date Brittany to get all the dirt we need. Then we find out a way to expose them and they can finally leave us alone and we can get Ashton back." After she says that Gabby and Michael look really shocked and Gabby's expression turns sad.
             "I think that would work but we would only if Michael and Gabby are okay with it, are you?" Taylor look sadly towards them.
             They both look at each other and Gabby nods and Michael signs and nods too. I chime in, "Hey you guys can still see each other in private and then after this fiasco is over go public again." That smile again for the first time in a week. "First if we are going to get this thing started we have to clean Gabby and Michael up so they look like they are over the break up."
             We get started and I hope with all my being that this won't expose me and we hopefully get Ashton back.

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