Chapter 13: The old necklace

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        We all sat in silence until the cops showed up to talk to me, they had everyone leave. The female cop, Officer Benson, started telling me about Candy "Okay well Sky, we arrested Candy. She pleaded guilty for attemptive murder, and will be held in a juvenile facility until she turns 21, then the court will find out what to do with her. First I'd like to say you are very lucky to be alive." 

        "Wait, why?"

        "Well, we heard that you went to school with Candy last year?" I nodded, "Well it seems that Candy got jealous of you and after you left she went on a rampage, she ended up killing her boyfriend." I gasp, literally an audible gasp. "After that she fled, and we couldn't find her. It turns out she somehow got all the way over here and hid in different homeless shelters. She then somehow enrolled in your school and was stalking you. We also think she had a mental disorder, because she had pictures of you with wings and in her home we found a whole wall, all about you. She had been tracking you down. She was obsessed with you. She kept a journal about you and the last entry that was right before the Halloween party, she wrote about how she was going to kill you." After she finishes, she pats my hand and leaves. I just sit their blank staring at the wall. She knew about me this whole time, I thought I felt eyes on me all the time. 

        My parents came running in and they started the paperwork to get released in two days, my father wants me to be able to pack my things and leave immediately. 

        I stayed in the hospital for the two nights and left the next day. When I got home I went to my room and locked myself in the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and turned around and looked at my back through the mirror. My back was covered in the black tattoos, and right where my wings would've been, was two marks, almost like I was burnt. I touched the marks and felt smoothness, they didn't hurt. But I felt weird because I could finally wear tank tops and t-shirts, but again I was really sad that I couldn't fly. I turned back around and looked at the white gauze over my arm.

        I took my shower and went back into my room. I went straight into my old jewelry box, in it was my wing necklace. I haven't wore it since I was a baby. I put it on and thought about my wings. I felt tingling and looked over my shoulder and saw my wings were back. I fell onto the floor because, frankly I was creeped out. I then thought about having no wings and I felt tingling again, and looked back and saw my wings were gone. What. The. Fuck.  For some reason when I walked out of the bathroom I felt drawn to the necklace. 

        I started jumping around, I can finally be a normal girl and still be able to fly. I was to busy jumping that I didn't notice 7 pairs of eyes watching me, as I was making my wings appear and disappear. 

        "Umm Sky, should we come back later?" 


Sorry for the short chapter again, I am having a brain fart on what to write about. 

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