Chapter 12: Very Confused

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        I can hear a faint beeping sound. I am very confused right now, like what happened. Did I take meth? I don't even like drugs. I finally open my eyes and look to my left and I see Ashton sleeping on the chair. I look in front of me and sitting on the couch is Taylor sleeping on Calum's shoulder. While Calum, Luke and Michael are sitting on the rest of the couches watching the TV. I then see Emily and Gabby walk in with lots of coffee cups. Emily sees that I am awake and hands the coffees to Luke and runs at me "Sky, Sky you're awake!" She runs and grabs me in a hug and I groan in pain. "Oh ya, sorry." 

        The rest of the guys run at me and they gently hug me. Then Ashton comes over and hugs me, and I get all tingly. "Sky, are you okay? Are you in any pain, let me get a nurse." He goes to grab a nurse but I grab his hand and I nod for Emily to grab the nurse and she runs out of the room. The nurse comes in and checks some stuff and leaves. And everyone sits around the bed.

        "I'm okay, just really confused. Can you explain everything to me." Ashton nods and I pull him down to sit next to me on the hospital bed. 

        Ashton sighs and nods his head and starts talking, "Well everything was going great, you know, between you and me." After he says this I blush and Emily, Gabby and Taylor give me a look. "Then we heard a scream come from downstairs, it turns out that after I confronted Candy, she grabbed a gun. She rounded everyone up and then Brittany screamed and we got there. I think she was waiting for us." He doesn't make eye contact as he says the next part. "Then she showed us that your wings were real and you flew up in the air and kicked the gun out of her hands." Oh my god, I forgot about that. "After you kicked the gun, it went off and you were shot in the arm. When that was happening, Taylor was beating the shit out of Candy and Gabby slapped Brittany. We ran over to you and you were bleeding. And now we are here."

        It all makes sense, I don't get why Candy would do something like that though. Wait I had my wings out, and the paramedics might have saw them. I start to sit up and my heart monitor starts speeding up. 

        They all run over to me and Ashton asks, "Sky what's wrong, are you okay? Just calm down."

        I start muttering, "My wings, why aren't their police here?" I look at Ashton with wide eyes and he sighs again.

        "Okay so after you shot, ummm well your wings started glowing and then right before the cops showed up, they like shrank into your back. Those tattoos are still there and your wings haven't returned. I'm sorry." He looks apologetic as he says the last part. I start to calm down, just a little. Knowing that my secret is safe.


Hey people, this chapter is just a filler. And I have good news, I had the second official practice for my band. And it turned out as a success, and hopefully our first cover will be 'Amnesia' by 5SOS. :)

The Secrets of Skyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن