Chapter 5: Candy, but not the sweet kind

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        When we got to lunch Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton came and sat under the tree with us, sadly Blake can't today. It was really cute seeing the 3 couples. But at the same time it made me sad, knowing that I will never have that. I was all going good until we heard a high pitched screech. "Ashton!!!!"  I look up and see a blonde hair girl run over here, she has a really revealing shirt and skirt and she has big ass boobs. Gross. She also looks really familiar. She runs over to Ashton and pulls him up. "I missed you baby, you never visited me, why?" She wraps her whole body around him.

        "Hey Candy, I was just really busy with the band and my mom." He tries to pull back a little by he can't because of her viper grip on him. 

         "Oh well that's okay, we can spend time now if you'd like." Then she starts making out with him. It was really gross, I mean there is like people here. 

        Ashton finally pushes her away, "Candy we can't now, there are people here," She finally sees everyone sitting around, "let me introduce you."  She smiles and nods but when he turns away from her she scowls. He points to people as he says their names "Okay this is Michael and his girlfriend Gabby, this is Luke and his girlfriend Emily, this is Calum and his girlfriend Taylor and this is Sky."  When her gaze hits me she fakes a smile for him then when he's not looking glares at me. 

        "Hey everyone it's so nice to meet you, I'm Candy, Ashton's girlfriend." She waves, we all kinda nod. The lunch bell rings a second later and we make our way to our next class. When the day gets done we all head out to my house, except for Ashton, he's hanging out with Candy. When we get to  my house Gabby gets to the point. "Okay someone please tell me who that bitch was, I was about to bitch slap her. She gave me the wrong vibe and totally glared at all of us."

        Michael sits on my desk chair and pulls Gabby onto his lap and sighs. "That was Candy Williams,  her and Ashton met in the summer when he went to California last year. He hooked up with her throughout the summer, but then she got really jealous all the time. And she would be really clingy, finally when the summer ended he came back. She stayed in Cali, and we hoped he would never see her again. After lunch I talked to Ashton, when I could finally get him alone, he said that her parents said she could pick the next place to move to, and she chose here. Her parents and some rich hotel owners, and do everything she says. Anyway she chose here so she could see Ashton again. He also said he would visit her but he never did."

        "Wait Candy Williams, is that what you said?" he nods, it all makes sense now. "Candy went to my school when I lived in Cali. I was only there for a semester, but she still was a bitch to me. She hated me, because when I was there all the guys kept hitting on me and Candy's boyfriend broke up with her for me, I didn't date him though. After that she always tried to ruin everything, she stalked me and tried to break my things like my car. She was crazy, I did hear from someone that she did meet someone in the summer and he apparently got her pregnant and then she got rid of it because she said babies are gross." Wow I never thought I would see her again, she literally tried to kill me a week before I left. She cut the breaks in my car and I had a jeep at that time so I had to open my wings and fly through the ceiling window before it crashed. The car ran into the tree and exploded. I was glad no one was there and saw me. She was the reason I hate riding and driving cars. 

        "Wow you knew Candy, do you think she would recognize you?" Taylor asked with a worried look on her face. 

        "I don't think so, when I was there I had bright red hair that was short and I had to wear a uniform I looked really different." 

        After that we all watched a movie and then everyone left. I was laying in my bed after I went flying, and I couldn't help but feel weird like Candy knew something. After that I finally fell asleep. 


A/N the picture is Emily 

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