Chapter Twelve: Suga's Private Vacation?

Start from the beginning

I turned back around and peeked back in the crack of the door tears falling from my face....I watch as she squeezes my jacket close to her chest as she lays down in the window seat holding the picture in her hands as they shake and she screamed,...." I SHOULD HAVE JUST STAYED MISSING ", I watch as Rachel throws the picture frame with such force that the frame shatters and slides under the door into the hall and in to the wall across from me, I felt more tears fall from my eyes....she wish she stayed missing?....I walked over to the shattered frame on the floor and I grabbed the picture carefully and shook the shards of glass off of the picture.

I blew on it carefully to make sure any small pieces of glass and frame where off of it and I lifted the picture up and looked at it....I felt my heart wrench as I saw what picture it was the picture of me and her and Suga all on the beach standing in front of the ocean...Suga has his arm over Rachel's shoulders and he's kissing her head with a smile and I'm right beside her as I'm resting my arm on top of Suga's arm on her shoulder as I'm making a V with my fingers and Rachel.....Rachel is smiling as are me and Suga....this was her first Summer here with us....when we where all happy and close....when Suga must have been taking his pills?.

Jin had taken this picture...he wanted to capture the memory.....he wanted to capture the youth in this particular moment....I backed up and my back hit the wall as I slid down the wall crying and I lean my head back against the wall clutching the photo in my shaking hand.....what have I done?.....I look back in the crack of Rachel's door and I see her laying in the window seat clutching on to my Jacket crying....I did the exact thing I told her I would never do to her.....I made her cry....I lay my head in my hands and silently cry....I promised her I would never make her cry like Suga dose...and yet here she is....crying.....crying because of me.

I thought I was doing the right thing by keeping a distance from her....I thought I was preventing her pain by staying away from her...but its the exact causing her more pain by staying away from her.....I'm so sorry so sorry for making you cry.....I broke my so sorry Rachel.....forgive me....I'm a sinner.

I was walking down the beach listening to the sound of the seagull's cawing like and obnoxious child begging for it's mothers attention...I sigh and keep walking down the beach as I listen to the waves crashing down on the beach, I don't know why the hell I'm walking down this beach for but I can help's like a nagging pull that's pulling me to walk down this beach in this particular direction but I have no idea what the fuck for?, Its been three weeks since I was in coma from Rachel striking me over the head with a metal all honesty I cant really argue with her actions....I deserved it for chasing her like a mad man through the dorm.

I touch the spot on my head where Rachel bashed me at with the steal rod and I wince at the pain seeing as it's still tender a bit...I wonder if the guys found her yet or not?....I've been here for three months straight on my Private Vacation....I've been here at the beach for three months now...I had plans to disappear to California for my private vacation but I ended up here at this damn beach without any knowledge why, yes it's peaceful and nice here and all but that still don't explain why the fuck I came here instead of California?.

As I walked down the Beach all of a sudden something caught my eye and I stopped in my tracks and looked at it...there is no way? I looked to my left I couldn't believe what I saw and I placed my hand on my mouth as I saw the black beach house that looked familure to me, I dropped my shoe's into the sand and walked over to the boardwalk and hopped up on to it and walked towards the old beach cant be? this what the fuck pulled me here?, I wiped the sand off of the window and looked inside of it and sure enough it was it.

Holy shit...this is the beach house that we all stayed in that summer....this is the beach house we stayed in....the one we stayed in when it was Rachel's ....first Seoul summer, I backed up away from the beach house shaking as I run into the Boardwalk railing, I quickly turn around and look out near the hammock and memories flash through my was so the hammock and Rachel in each others arms....I closed my eyes and reopened them and the memory faded as I heard vivid laughter so clear that it was like it was happening right here right now.

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