Chapter Sixteen: Suga Wants To Talk

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It's been five months straight since me, Jimin, V, and Rachel have been in Bisan-dong, in Daegu....Rachel wont leave her room at all.....she stopped eating and she wont sleep.....we have all tried so hard to try and get her out of her room....but she refuses.....ever since that day when she found out about her mother and sister dying in that plane crash.....she locked herself away....she blames herself for their death because they when they died in the plane crash....they where coming to see she thinks its her fault why their dead.

I'm worried sick about her....she has only gotten more ill instead of better.....we don't know if she's physically getting better or not....because she wont talk....I sigh as I walk out on to the front porch of the small farm house....the sun is shining bright....and the cold is gone for good....Summer is just around the corner....I look out at the field and I see Jimin and V pulling out the weeds and just sitting out in the heat...their trying to hide the fact that their just as worried as I am about Rachel....I walk off the porch and look up at Rachel's window.

I shake my head as once again she's just sitting there and staring out into space.....I wish I knew what she was thinking....RM has called but not to tell us if it was safe to come home.....he's been calling to check up on Rachel....we've told him how Rachel has been ill and getting even worse by the days and we've also told him about how she stopped eating and talking and how she keeps herself locked in her room....he told us to keep an eye on her so that's what we've been doing....keeping and eye on, Jimin, and V are so exhausted because we've been sleeping in shifts.....or at least trying to anyway.

I look back in the field only to see Jimin and V staring up at Rachel's window also, I look back at Rachel's window and she looks right at me then moves away from the window.....that's strange? she's never looked directly at me or the other boys....let alone even move away from the window? she coming out of it?, I looked back at V and Jimin and they looked at me with a confused look and I could vaguely make out V lip saying to me and asking if she's ok?, I shrugged my shoulders answering his question as I walked into the house and up the stairs to Rachel's room and knocked on her door, " Rachel?....are you ok?".

I've been in Bisan-Dong, in Daegu with Jimin, Jungkook, and V for five months straight already.....and I've been staying locked in my room the whole five months....I keep getting sicker and sicker by the day....I wish I knew why...I refuse to eat because I cant....every time I do always comes back up....I refuse to talk because I don't want to....Jungkook, V, and Jimin have been constantly trying to get me out of my room and eat something.....but I rather stay in my room.....I refuse to sleep....because I cant sleep....every time I close my eyes all I see is my sister and my moms's all my fault that their dead.....they where coming to surprise me with a visit when the plane's all my fault.

I don't even know if its still cold out or not?.....I look out the window and I see Jimin and V in the field as usual....RM has been calling my phone non stop....but I just let it go to voice it wouldn't surprise me if he's been calling the boys trying to get them to hand me their phone so he can talk to me.....I know he knows that I haven't been eating and sleeping and I know he knows that I wont talk and that I'm keeping myself locked in my room....I heard Jungkook tell him over the phone in the hall....I probably wont hear the end of it when I do talk to RM next.

I heard the old wooden door of the house squeak open and then slammed shut and I saw Jungkook walk out on to the porch and look out at Jimin and V, then I saw him walk off of the porch and look up at my window in my Peripheral vision and shake his head, I know he's upset with me and I know Jimin and V are to....but its because their worried, I see Jimin and V look at my window and stare directly at me and I let out a sigh and walk away from the window and sit on the bed.

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