Chapter Nine: I Disappear

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I heard talking in the background it was very faint but I could make out the sounded like Wonwoo and Vernon talking and it sounded like they where talking about me so I pretended to be asleep and listen in on the conversation, " Wonwoo you just found her walking the streets covered in blood?", so it was Wonwoo who found me I continued listening in on the conversation, " yea Vernon I was driving down the road coming back here and I saw her walking and it concerned me and the closer I got to her the more of her condition I saw her in", I heard Wonwoo clear his throat then Vernon spoke again.

" what do you think happened?", Wonwoo sighed and spoke " I don't know? but I have an idea based on what Jungkook has told me on what happened", What? Jungkook's been talking to Wonwoo about me? I heard Vernon talk, " Speaking of Jungkook have you called him yet? I'm sure as day that he's losing his mind right now because he cant find know how concerned he gets and how overprotective Jungkook gets when it come's to Rachel dude", Jungkook is concerned about me?.....he gets overprotective of me?....I had no idea?....up until now it's always been V who has done that, I heard Wonwoo speak after a minute of silence.

" no I haven't called Jungkook and told him yet", I heard Vernon flip out, " WHAT?....YOU HAVENT CALLED YOUR COUSIN YET SAYING YOU FOUND RACHEL? ARE YOU CRAZY WONWOO? DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING? KOOKIE'S GOING TO KILL YOU", I tried to hold back my laughter as I heard Wonwoo hiss shhhhh, " will you be quiet Vernon your gonna wake the dead", Vernon huffed, " dude your cousin is going to fucking murder you if he finds out you found Rachel and didn't call him about it", I was about to sit up when Wonwoo spoke, " dude how do you know if she even wants to be found right now?...after her condition I found her in Vernon I'm pretty sure being found is the last thing on her mind right now dude?".

Before this argument got any worse I decide to open my eyes and sit up I've had enough arguments for the time, I sat up and looked around and acted like I was confused and I looked around immediately catching Wonwoo and Vernon's attention and Wonwoo walked over to me and spoke to me in a calming tone, " Hey there wonder woman relax your ok...your safe...when did you wake up?", oh if only you knew Wonwoo if only you knew I spoke with a little weakness in my tone, " I'm not sure? long was I asleep for?", Before Wonwoo could answer Vernon is the one who spoke up," about 3 weeks", I looked at Vernon with extreme fear, " THREE WEEKS?...IVE BEEN ASLEEP FOR THREE FUCKING WEEKS?", I was freaking out...I lost that much blood?.

Wonwoo stared daggers at Vernon and spoke with a growl to his tone, " nice one Vernon", Vernon shrugged his shoulders, " what she asked so I answered", Wonwoo was about to say something else but another familure voice was heard coming down the hall, " what is all the yelling for? I'm trying to focus here", I looked to the door and saw S.Coups walk in...I must be at Pledis Entertainment where Seventeen is signed at because Wonwoo, S.Coups, and Vernon are all apart of Seventeen so I must be in their dorm?, As I looked to the door S.Coups made eye contact with me and was taken aback when he spoke.

" oh shit...hey Rachel what are you doing here?", I was about the speak but Wonwoo spoke for me, " I found her walking the streets at night and she was covered in blood and looked as if she was gonna pass out so I pulled over and wrapped her in a blanket and as soon as I did she blacked out she's been out for three weeks", I saw a hint of anger in S.Coups eyes but he tried to cover it up with a smile as he spoke, " damn girl you been through the ringer haven't you?", S.Coups walked over to me and hopped on the bed beside me and put his arm over me, I always looked at S.Coups as an older brother he was one of the first one's next to Wonwoo who made me feel welcome when I first came to Seoul and I smiled and laid my head on S.Coups chest and sighed, " yea I guess I have?".

I kept my head on S.Coups chest and he rubbed my back and I could hear his heart beating extremely fast...I've heard this before...every time I'm close to Jungkook like this...his heart does it to...why do their hearts do this whenever I'm close to them?, Wonwoo cleared his throat a little bit angrily but looked directly at me when he spoke, " Rachel do you want us to call Jungkook or Suga to come pick you up?", When I heard Jungkook and Suga's name I darted up with tears pricking my eye's, " NO PLEASE NO", I realized what I said and looked at Wonwoo, Vernon, and S.Coups and I saw them looking at one another with anger, sadness, pity, and concern and I immediately felt my cheeks redden with embarrassment at my out burst...I need to change the subject and I need to change it fast.

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