Chapter 18: Intense talks

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“Guys, It's Ross's decision. He'll know what to do. I'll admit sometimes I wonder what it would be like if those two got together. But it's better to know that if they're not together that still love each other. It doesn't matter If it's in that way or not. The important thing is that they are." Stormie explains.

“But, mom, honestly: Sometimes it's agonizing how those two are together and how they act so ‘sexy' around each other when it doesn't even make sense that they're not together." Rydel says.

“Ryland's got a point." Rocky says.

“Guys, we'll talk about this later. Now you guys need to get ready." Mark says.

“Yes, your interview starts in 2 hours! Get ready!" Stormie exclaims point at the stairs as they go upstairs.

They got upstairs to get ready. When they got upstairs Ross was already getting dressed. He had an emotionless expression in his face Riker noticed that right away. He just looked at him

quickly while passing by his door room.

They all got dressed and they got ready to go. Along the ride Ross stared out the window as everyone would look at him feeling bad for him. He had a lot of explaining to do at that interview.

Ross was overwhelmed. He had so many texts and miss calls from Maia that he didn't want to answer. It was to much. He was actually mad at Laura. Every time they fight it was about the same thing over and over again: him and his career. It seems like Laura can't fit in her brain that he's not gonna leave her no matter what.

Anyway: they got to the studio and greeted everyone and stayed a little bit backstage until they would be called. They started rehearsing Heart Made Up On You a bit. 5 minutes later they got called in.

“And now our next interview is with one of the best pop rock bands. They've traveled the world together and released they're LOUDER album and now with they're new Ep. This band has become one of the best bands world wide. Give it up for R5!!" The interviewer exclaims as ‘Loud' played in the background as they came up on stage an sat down next to the interviewer.

“Hey! How are you guys?!" The interviewer asked nicely.

“We're awesome!" Riker said optimistically.

“So how's tour been for you?" The interviewer asked.

“It's been a lot of fun. A bit hectic with all the shows and waking up early but, in a good way." Ross says.

“Yeah, so far we've had like 6 or 7 sold out shows." Rocky says.

“Wow! So you guys must be tired." She says.

“We are! But we do anything for our fans." Riker says sweetly.

“So talk to us about you're new album." The interviewer says.

“Our new album will be out soon on 2015. I think well release it around march. We're working on with the EP right now so were pretty excited." Riker says.

“So tell us about the new songs coming out." The interviewer says.

“Well this new album is defiantly more mature than the LOUDER album. We got more influence in more rock-ish beat. the songs are more deeper lyric wise. On the LOUDER album it was a lot of drum beat and guitar. But In this album its gonna be little deeper but hard rock. And its gonna be more deeper in lyrics. In this album you'll have to listen to the lyrics a lot to get what we're saying in some songs." Ross explains.

“Amazing, guys! So now let's go and answer some fan questions from Twitter! First question is: What does Heart Made Up On You means to you?" The interviewer reads.

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