Chapter 37: Vegas P.1: Love. Hate. Love.

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"Ross?!" Oh. My. God.

"Laura?!" I hear in the background Rydel shouting.

"Oh my God! What are you doing here, Delly?" Laura asks in shock while Rydel hugs her.

"We're on vacation. We had time off work." Rydel says still hugging Laura.

"Laura?" I hear again in the background. Rocky.

He runs over to her and hugs her lifting her up from the ground.

"Rocky! Hii!" Laura exclaims still hugginf him. He puts her back down still smiling at her.

"Its so great to see you guys again!" Laura exclaims.

"You too! We miss you." Rocky blurs out.

"Awe I miss you guys too." She says in a sad way.

Then everything goes silent. Rocky and Rydel realize that it was getting awkward. So the silently walk away. Leaving me and Laura staring at each other blankly.

"So, what are you really doing here?" I ask hashly.

"Vanessa has to do a shooting here so we thought, why not come with her?" She explains.

"Really bad timing, Laura." I say.

"Ross, how was I supposed to know that you were here?" She asks.

"Whatever, I'm not gonna fight with you again." I say starting to leave. "Just try not to bump into me again. Try hard." I say rudely and walk away from her.

Fuck. I can't believe she's here? Why is it that everytime i try to get over her, she comes right back into my life again?! But. . I have to admit. She looks beautiful. Her hair is longer, and lighter. Her eyes are the same as they've always been. Shining and beautiful. But she's still in the same height she's always has been.

What the fuck are you doing, Ross? Don't think about her. Don't.

I walk upstairs and go up the elevator to the room. When I walk in, I see everyone putting up green baloons on the celling.
Everyone looks at me.

"Hey, so what happened?" Rydel asked.

"What happened?" Riker asks confused.

"Laura's here." Rocky says.

"Laura's here?" Riker asks excitedly.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I asks mad.

"What's wrong?" Ratliff asks.

" I just bumped into my ex- girlfriend . . . And you're happy that i did?" I ask made.

"Well, Ross. . We know that she's your ex but. . . She's still our friend." Rocky explains as my mouth goes wide open.

"Your friend? The girl that broke my heart into pieces? She tore me to from bone to bone and she's still your friend?" I ask incredulously.

"Ross, we know that was she did to to you was a shitty thing and that she doesn't deserve us as friends but. . . She is." Riker explains.

"Yeah, Ross, you weren't the only one that lost her. We did too. You weren't the only one that felt that way." Rocky says.

"But Ross. . . You love her. And you can keep up this i-hate-you phase with her but. . In then, that's all a lie. And who better to know why than you?" Ratliff says.

"I don't care about the fact that i still fucking love her! I care about the fact that your friend is the one that broke me into pieces and left me behind. Do you guys even care about me?!" I shout.

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