Chapter 36:

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"Road trip, baby!" Rocky exclaimed as he jumped up and down.

Today we were leaving for a road trip for Vegas, since it was Rocky's birthday in a couple of days.
Everyone was excited. We have a little time off from the studio. Being together is the best way to spend it.

"Awoohooo! Sweet sweet Vegas, baby!" Riker said jn the same way Rocky did.

"Guys, come on don't waist time. Let's get the packing done!" Mom screamed from down stairs.

Mom and Das weren't coming with us. Like we're "grown up" now. We can go just the 6 of us alone. Plus, it's good that they can spend a weekend alone together.

"Mom, are you trying to get rid of us so quickly?" Ryland asked chuckling passing through mom.

"No I'm not. I just dont want you guys to get caught up in trafic." She defends herself.

"Mom, it's a week day. Everyone is working in town." Riker says with an obvious way.

"Oh come one, she just wanna us to leave so she and Dad can have to alone time, if you know what i mean." Rocky said in a funny way, yet so inapropiate.

"Rocky Mark Lynch, that is not the reason!" Mom says beating Rocky with a shirt as he laughs tunning away grom her.

"Mom, like my dress?" Rydel asks getting out of her room dressed up all hippie.

"Love it, Delly!" Mom exclaims.

"Mom!!!! I can't find my ripped pants!" I shout walking towards her.

"It's in the drier, Ross." She said pointing at the drier. I walk to it in my plain underwear and grab em and put them on.

I head back to my room and back the rest of my stuff. But on my leaver jacket, beanie, grab my suitcase and head downstairs.

"Ross, you look handsome." Dad says as I walk down the stairs.

"Thanks, dad. I try to look nice for tha ladies." I say in a funny way.

Dad laughs at me. "Ha-ha, yeah like you're gonna get over Laura." He jokes and leaves the room.

"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself. Why does everyone think that?!

"Guys! We gotta hit the road!" Rydel shouts as she walks doen the stairs. I glance at her.

"Wow, don't you look hot?" I compliment her.

"Thank you very much. This ain't easy." She says pointing at her outfit.

"Ross? Why the beanie?" Rydel asks annoyed.

"Oh i I like the beanie." I pout.

"Ross, you've got fluffy hair. Cherish it." Rydel says chuckling.

"I do, but I'm having a bad hair today so, i don't wanna look like a mop."

"Toche." She says laughing.

Everybody else finally comes downstairs with their suitcases looking all handsome.

"Okay, Let's get this party started!" Rocky exclaims.

Mom and Dad walk towards os and glance at the six if us.

"Have fun, guys." Dad says smilling.

"Okay, I know you guys think you're all grown up but. . Here are the rules. ." Mom starts to say.

"Riker: stay close to everyone.
Rocky: No drinking after twelve.
Rydel, Ratliff: No funny buisness.
Ryland: No hurtful pranking.
Ross. . . Have fun."
Mom says.

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