🎃this is halloween pt.1 | various x reader🎃

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Here's a rundown of what costumes they're wearing:

Dork-sta: Wizard King

Magna: Detective (Pairs with Luck)

Luck: Serial Killer (Pairs with Magna)

Gauche: (he went trick-or-treating with Marie, so he's not included)

Grey: Waitress (Pairs with Charmy)

Gordon: Mime

Charmy: Chef (Pairs with Grey)

Finral: A Prince

Yami: Grim Reaper

And as mentioned before, Vanessa's a sexy nun.

"Wow, Noelle! You look stunning!" Finral gushes.

I flip my hair, "Yeah, I know. I'm going to be crowned the Halloween Queen after all."

No, I'm not.

"Tell Vanessa to hurry the hell up. We'll be late!" Magna grumbles.

Sure enough, Vanessa appears in the doorframe looking sexy, of course.

"Okay ladies, let's get his show on the road!!!" she screeches.

Here goes nothing.

Narrator's Point of View:

Looks like the Black Bulls are all set! But what about the Silver Eagles?

Nebra's Point of View:

Curse this costume! For the past hour, I've been trying to figure out how to put this thing on! Why'd we have to go with a winter theme? Better yet, why'd I have to be the polar bear???!?!?!

That's right, Solid is forcing me to wear this ridiculous polar bear costume. I don't even get to show my face! I just sit in this humid fabric from head to toe while everyone else has a good time. How am I supposed to be recognized as Halloween Queen when I'm not even recognizable as Nebra Silva? What a joke.

Solid will be dressing as an abominable snowman. His costume is much flashier than mine. It makes me want to rip that smug look right off his face!

As for Nozel, his costume is the best of all. He's an Ice King. And although he won't admit it, I can tell he likes the idea of dressing like a king...even if it is for a mere Halloween party.

The rest of the Silver Eagles are dressed as Winter Knights...because who really cares about what they're wearing as individuals?

A polar bear. WHY A POLAR BEAR?!

Narrator's Point of View:

Yikes. Nebra isn't quite enjoying herself.

Moving on, the Blue Rose Knights have a special treat in-store.

Charlotte's Point of View:

"Sol, I really don't think this outfit is appropriate. Couldn't you have chosen something a bit...looser?" I gulp, looking down at my tightly-fitted witch costume.

I'm wearing a short, navy-blue dress accompanied by a black and navy-blue witch's hat to match. Oh, and I have black heel-boots as well. So don't get me wrong, it's a lovely outfit...just not for me.

"Oh come on, Char! This costume rocks! Plus, it shows off all your curves in the right places," she jested, "I can give you a matching cloak if it makes you feel better."

Black Clover Oneshots | x Reader [ON HIATUS]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें