I'd been writing in my journal for the last few hours, recording everything that had happened over the last week. I was usually pretty good at keeping my journal up to date but with the stress of losing my elements, I'd completely forgotten.

I'd been keeping journals since my mom had died and I'd moved in with the Halliwells. The earlier ones were more so pictures I'd drawn and little notes on how I'd been feeling since I didn't write pages and pages of information like I do nowadays. As I grew, I started to include spells and such that I'd used, since I tended to record every single day, especially if it contained revelations and demons so I guess my journals were a type of Book of Shadows? Piper and her sisters had recorded what had happened to them by writing down their experiences in their Book along with further spells. I guess a witch's Book could be whatever she wanted it to be, though they typically seemed to be bound in a luxury binding and my journal was a glittery notebook, though I'd need to buy a new one again soon.

With a sigh, I closed my journal, keeping my pen tucked into the pages I had been writing on as I sat up, crossing my legs and placing my journal on the seat in front of me, its glittery cover standing out against the white furniture. I stood up and walked around the yard, feeling the grass beneath my bare feet since I enjoyed walking around bare foot when I was in nature. I felt connected to Earth by doing that, but the colder temperatures were making it harder because my feet were freezing if I wasn't wearing socks at least. In another few weeks, it would be too cold for even my stubborn personality to handle walking around bare footed and so I'd have no choice but to wear socks. By that time in the year though I wouldn't even think of leaving the house without at least wearing my converse.

I picked up my journal on my way back through the house and decided to shimmer upstairs to my room. It wasn't very often that I used my ability to shimmer and I was worried that I would end up losing control of it. It was a basic demonic power and so I wasn't worried that using it would send me tipping over the edge and into evil. It was good to exercise it since it was the only demonic power I ever let myself use. The rest of my demonic powers were stored safely in a locked box anyway and so I couldn't use my other demonic powers freely since it took a lot of anger to unleash them or a lot of concentration where no anger was involved.

I tucked my journal underneath my mattress which is where I'd always stored the journal that I was writing in at that point in time. My other journals were boxed under my bed but I'd placed a spell on them to protect them from anyone who wasn't me from seeing them. My journals contained all of my darkest secrets, including my demonic half and my thoughts on that side, as well as my anger towards that side. Even though my journals would probably make my family aware that I hated that side of myself, I still didn't want them finding out. If they ever found out who I was, it would be because I'd told them about my heritage, not because they'd accidentally stumbled across the information.

I rubbed my lips together in thought, deciding that there was something I needed to do today, especially since I would have peace and quiet to myself so no one would bother me or suggest I have company with me. I needed time to myself and more importantly, I needed time alone with her. With a firm nod of happiness at my decision, I got myself ready to go out, making sure to pull some thicker socks onto my feet to wear with my converse. I brushed my hair, leaving it to flow down around my shoulders and waist before pulling on my second favourite sweater, since my actual favourite had been burned during the demon attack from Drogba and Piper hadn't had a chance to get me another one yet. I didn't mind because I'd decided that if I had any birthday money left over from buying my witch items from Evaline's shop that I'd buy myself a new sweater as a present. I usually got money from Aunt Paige and Aunt Phoebe as well as Piper and Leo. Wyatt, Mel, Chris and Amy tended to put their money together to buy me a birthday present. We all did the same for Chris's birthday as well, which reminded me that I needed to buy him something. We were turning sixteen this year so I wanted to make sure I bought him something special, something to always remember me by as well as something he would treasure forever. What could I buy though? Perhaps I could meditate on it later. I hadn't meditated much recently which could explain my emotional outbursts since my meditation always helped to keep me grounded.

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