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Tasha rushed over to her as soon as she walked in the door, "Oh my goodness, did you see the update on the Reject? The dude seemed to have given up or died because there hasn't been a new victim for almost five months now" she lifted the phone for Brittany to see, "it says that he seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth and with no more murders or evidence, this may end up a cold case. There's a picture list of a few of the missing items from the women in the hopes that if anyone sees them, they would call it in".

Brittany read the article and immediately put her hand in her pocket, one of the missing items was a diamond anklet that very closely resembled her new bracelet. She forced her hair forward to cover the diamond earrings she wore as she read the screen. "I can't believe it, he robbed the people he killed"? Tasha looked down at her phone, giving her time to remove the bracelet, and scrolling she replied "No, not robbed them. They still had all their valuables, just took a momento from them".

Brittany carefullly removed the earrings and also set them in her pocket, "wow, isn't that kind of careless? If I were going to murder someone, I wouldn't keep anything from them, it would only trace it all back to me. That's how people get caught". Nodding in agreement Tasha looked up and saw their boss, rolling her eyes in his direction to alert Brittany to him walking in their direction she rushed over to her desk. Brittny headed to hers only to find someone sitting on the corner of her desk.

"Hello James" she greeted her long time crush. He seemed a bit haggard, but no less handsome. He looked up at her with those unreal green eyes that were framed by his golden locks, "Hey stranger, it's been a bit hasn't it"? She smiled "I didn't think you noticed, we both had pretty big projects and it seems that you had a lot going on as well". He smirked, "Sharon you mean, she and my brother are getting married. Turns out she's pregnant and is only pretty sure he's the father" snorting and getting off the desk, he sighed and looked sadly eager as he asked her to lunch.

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