Business as Usual

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Walking into the office she smiled and greeted Tasha the same as always. "So, how was the date from the List" Brittany asked as she but over her desk to set down her thermos. Grinning like a schoolgirl admitting her crush, "Girl, we ended it back at my place and are meeting up again tonight for a movie marathon! Turns out he loves old Jim Henson stuff like I do" Tasha gushed as she tucked a lock of curly hair behind her ear.

"Mine was a no call, no show. Must have taken a good look at me and went the other way" she said sitting on the corner of her desk. Tasha reached into her bag and pulled out her phone, while scrolling through asked "Have you seen the news? The reject struck again, one new kill a month. He's killing like clockwork! Police have no new leads and no pattern other than the women seem to be around the ages of 25 - 40".

Brittany took the phone and looking intently at the story, "No pattern, all in different states, no particular city, and they seem to be random murders. No favorite weapon or anything" her eyes shot up at Tasha, "damn girl, lucky we didn't run into this guy. Doesn't he have a job, or hobby he could be doing instead" she handed the phone back.

Tasha shook her head as she took back her phone, "with the random ways he is killing these women, how could he have a job" she tucked it into her bag and continued, "I don't know if he is traveling on business, or works online, but this is one sick puppy". She tilted her head at Brittany and asked, "so are you going to try again? See about finding another person on the list"?

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