Just Desserts

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Needless to say, the date went well. They laughed and drank as they enjoyed the meal and the company. He was charming and rough around the edges, jokes about his friends back when, and bragging about his life now. Once he paid the check for dinner, she took him home for dessert.

     She straddled his hips as she leaned carefully over his chest as she kissed his neck. His hands roamed over her back and ass as he grew harder, moaning as the smell of her perfume and sweat filled his head.

The first time ended very quickly, and this time was going to be even better. Her expertly moving lips put him in a state of bliss and lightheaded stupor, he began saying how good she smelled, how sexy her kisses were, and that’s where he said the last thing he would ever say.

John opened his mouth before filtering what would come out and in a breath said, “You’re so sexy for a fat chick” and he barely registered the way her entire body tensed up. He did notice the way her mouth opened and the way her tongue didn’t drag across his throat, but seemed to snake backwards as her teeth clamped down.

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