Meeting John

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They met outside at the parking lot. His smile was the toothy kind given by those who must have been born with perfect genes, he reached for her hand, “Hey, I’m John” and shook it briefly. “You can call me Jane,” she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and looked at him with practiced shyness, “and I’m so glad we are doing this” she giggles at the shake. He handed her the rose that was supposed to help her find him and they went inside.

His black hair was obviously purposely disheveled, those green eyes sparked mischief, and that crooked grin promised a good time. He chewed his food throughly and savored every bite, seems the choice in venue was a great one. He looked every bit as handsome as his profile picture showed. Mixed black and white guy with all that beautiful tan skin. Brittany couldn’t help thinking that he must dominate the beach.

After the salad was finished they discussed things like work and favorite hang outs. Why they were on the list, and what they were looking for. They seemed to have a lot in common, and the rest of the meal was a mix of laughter and light hearted conversation.

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