Brittany's Past

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Beauty of the body matters so much more than what beauty the heart may carry when you are trying to survive middle school. It's no secret that the pretty girls of school get worshipped and coddled while the still blooming girls get overlooked and make up most of the unrequited love population.

Brittany was very beautiful, and was lucky as far as how well her genes fell into place until she got sick. A budding cheerleader with bouncing ponytails and smiles forever, she became lethargic and began gaining weight. It seemed like she was stuck in a chubby body while still believing that she was beautiful. And she didn't mind her extra weight as much as everyone around her seemed to care.

In high school, the bullying started on her weight, but her loving attitude and cheery disposition gained her more friends than fat shaming bullies. At home, she got even more comments on her weight, "Honey, should you really eat that" in the fakest mom voice her mother could use. It was a million comments about what she ate, when she ate, why is she eating again?

After awhile it became a slow burn of anger, feelings of negativity she didn't want to deal with. So she bottled it up and went along with the rest of her life constantly trying to prove she was beautiful. Going her way stuffing that bottle with all the ... cough cough... concerned comments, backhanded compliment, or downright hate of her lovely lady lumps.

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