Yummy yummy

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Using an earring she used it to open his phone and pull out the sim and memory card. She flushed them into the toilet and closed it back up. She grabbed the knife she bought from a television informercial and some garbage bags. It was time to clean the real mess.

Putting the shower head back on the wall, she turned the water on low and began the gross part. It was surprising how little of it bothered her, and the parts she was willing to part with went into a bag. The rest was sliced up really nice and set aside. The blood tasted really good and it was hungry work what she'd just done.

In the kitchen she grabbed the steak seasoning and the olive oil, it was time to see if this would be good. Potatoes, and a salad should pair nicely. Maybe some wine too. She watched as it sizzled in the pan and the smell was intoxicating. Saliva was building and she decided a medium rare steak would be nice this once.

Sitting at the table she looked at the meal she prepared. The Italian seasoned potatoes, ranch salad, tall glass of wine. It was a beautiful sight, Instaphoto level glorious. This meal could be internet goals. Slipping the fork into the tender meat she cut out a bite sized square. Smiling, she raised it to her lips and began to enjoy her meal.

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