Chapter 39

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As long as everything goes as planned today she should hopefully be happily surprised. The day we left Miami she talked about when we could go back. We were way too poor back then to even stay for very long but this time I'm taking my whole little family for a week. I asked Allen and Ben to bring their families along too. I even arranged for one of our nights to be spent completely alone. Just the two of us. Getting away is what we need to take a breath but also for Carlin and I to be able to hash out the past on neutral ground. By the time we come home, I hope to be able to take the next step with her. Which is another surprise I arranged with Allen and Ben. If this doesn't work, I'm not sure what I'll do next. I guess keep on waiting for her to trust me. Although, I'd honestly wait forever.

Everyone else thinks this party today is about my surprise for her. Priya and Ginger are in on it too. Carlin and I planned this as a way to tell everyone about our second set of twins. I can't believe it still. Following our talk after her appointment she started pepping up again. Her little bump gets bigger every day. She could still wear her jeans buttoned until yesterday. She cursed her way into the bedroom and pulled out her maternity pants with the elastic waistband while giving me the middle finger. I laughed but I feel bad. Either way it's the cutest thing to see on her. I find myself staring at her even more now, if it's possible.

Pulling up t0 Allen's house, she looks visibly nervous. She smooths the front of her dress a few times while biting her lip. Resting my hand on hers when it reaches her little bump, I try to relax her. "It'll be okay. I'm not sure what you're worried about, baby. Everyone will be excited."

Her fingers lace mine and she half heartedly smiles down at them. " I just don't want anyone thinking it's too soon. What if they think we haven't been back together long enough to deal with this? I know we still have a lot to work on but I don't plan on working on anything on my own. You're worried enough about being good with them, I don't need someone saying some smart ass comment that's going to make you feel even more scared of this." What she's saying is that she doesn't want anyone to scare me off. She doesn't want these precious gifts we've been given to push me away from her again. I can't wait till the day when she no longer has doubt in me. As much as I deserve it.

" I'm not going anywhere. I need you. I need Alaina and Asher. I need these little ones. I'm not myself without you, Sweets. You all make me whole. And I'm sick of letting myself walk around empty." This time her smile is more real and I take her hand to bring up to my lips.

The kids were the most excited out of all of us to tell everyone. They picked out their own shirts that say 'big twin in training' from a few choices we found on Etsy. They insisted on wearing them tonight under vests. Yes, I said vests. They drug me to Walmart two days ago to get them vests so they could wear their shirts unnoticed until the reveal. Hopefully, our next set aren't screwed up by me and end up just as wonderful as these two.

I admire their patience, as little of it as they have. They spent the entirety of dinner glancing back and forth at each other and giggling but neither one said anything. Carlin still looks a little anxious but I think with my rubbing her thigh under the table and periodically telling her I love her and I'm here for her that she's gotten more confidence in herself and in me. We finish up the food and Carlin gets up to help Nora bring plates to the sink.

"Maybe the kids should go play now and we can all have some champagne in the living room. Oh and Jake there are plenty of waters or juice for you as well." Nora the ever gracious host points to the fridge.

"Actually, if everyone could just stay here for a second." Nora looks over at Carlin curiously. They weren't expecting this. They were getting ready to retire to the living room to surprise her. Sweets nods her head at the kids who smile wistfully at each other before stepping up on their chairs and removing their vests. I watch Allen's face as he squints to read their shirts. I'm shortly drawn to Nora by her gasp and the slap her hands make when she hurries to cover her open mouth. Nothing but if not polite.

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