Chapter 38

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My eyes flutter open and are hit with the stare of blue and green gems. Jake kisses my nose and runs the back of his hand down my cheek affectionately. "Good morning my love." Nuzzling my head back into him, he turns to face me and grips my thigh to bring it up over his hip. I suck in a cool breath through my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut. " I'm sorry, baby. Did I hurt you?" Concern laces his face and I giggle, shaking my head.

"No, Jay. No. After last night, I'm just a little sore." Incredibly, deliciously sore. The first night of rough passionate sex happened my first day back to work two weeks ago. I'm not ashamed I turned Jake's jealousy into something we could both enjoy. Since then I've been out to lunch with Jonah again multiple times. Sure Ginger, and occasionally Gavin, is there too but I don't bring that up and he doesn't ask. He insists Jonah is set to get in my pants but I highly doubt it. He's new here and doesn't have anyone. Also he's my shadow. There's no way to not be around the guy and we happen to have a lot in common.

"Shit, Sweets. I didn't even think about how it would affect the baby. Am I too rough? Am I hurting you guys?" The concern is joined by panic as he sits up and rubs my abdomen. "I'm so sorry little one. Only gentle with my Mommy from now on."

"As much as I love when you're tender and gentle with me, don't you dare say that. I need my rough and I need it just as often as my gentle." Sitting up as well, I place my hand on top of his. " You aren't hurting it I swear. Its way too small to even notice its happening and if it can survive a car crash it can survive the beating you give me between my legs with your dick."

He smiles and kisses my lips delicately. " Mmmmm in that case we should repeat last night as soon as possible." I'm ready all over again with just his words. Last night he took me over the desk, against the wall and a third time in bed after a cat nap.

"As amazing as that sounds, my body is way too sore for that so soon." Sliding out of bed, I grab a pair of undergarments and skinny jeans from the dresser. "Besides, we both have to go get some work done before our appointment after lunch. Do you want to get lunch together and then head over?" Picking out one of his t-shirts that actually looks like it fits me, I throw it on and comb my fingers through my hair.

" Don't want to get lunch with your precious shadow today?" He tosses the blanket aside and I have to bite my lip at the sight of his naked body.

"Why would I need my shadow when I can have your lovesick puppy dog face across from me?" I smile lovingly and stop him from entering the closet when he only has boxers and suit pants on. " You know I'm yours, Jay. All of me is yours. I have my soreness to prove it." I run my hand down his firm and sculpted chest dipping my fingers into the front of his pants.

Inhaling sharply, he tilts his head to the ceiling and takes ahold of my wrists. " You're going to kill me one day. You're way too fucking sexy for your own good. That's why I have to spank you so much." Kissing my pulse on each wrist, he heads to the closet for a fresh dress shirt and jacket. " I didn't know you were allowed to wear that to work?"

" Tumel felt like we needed some motivation even though we've never had a bad issue since they opened. Dress down Fridays. At least I get to wear some of my favorite clothes. Which is really just any of yours." I pick up my new messenger bag I forgot Reggie had gotten me for my birthday and head out the bedroom door. " I got the kids if you get breakfast."


Thank God it's now nearly lunch. This morning was so chaotic. I much prefer to be home writing but that privilege is only reserved for the injured like I was or the insanely good writers who have proven, over years, that they barely even need an editor anymore because their work is so perfect. If I wasn't only here for half a day today I'd probably go home sick after lunch.

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