14 - Mysterious Call

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"Yes. She does. She probably wouldn't if she found out."

"I have no problem with them. I only have a problem if she finds out anything concerning them." Iris said angered.

"Whatever you say love. You're just very lucky I'm always busy. At least you get to enjoy little freedom. I'll be back later. I have another meeting." He said and left.

Iris layed on the bed thinking. 'Why is she trying to get revenge? Or trying to rescue me? So she doesn't know the truth. So what? I expect her to move on. The least that would happen to me is that I would die.'

'Of course he feeds me. And he hasn't layed a finger on me in years. And I'm glad about that. Then again, he gives me pain relievers cause he doesn't want me dead yet.'

'You could say I was living the life. It's better than anything I've faced for twenty years. And if she moved on, I would die happy'

'I wish she just gave up and moved on to a better life.'

'It's all I ever wanted'


Genvi came in face to face in his office with his rat.

"Any news on her?" He asked his rat.

"No. Nothing."

"This wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to be hit. I can't make progress if she goes." He said completely worried.

"I have no problem with her going. She might make it though. But her revival has nothing to do with what I want." The rat said.

"But it concerns me." Genvi said firmly.

"I know. I still wonder though. I told you I needed Dante alive. Yet you still intended to make a move on him saying he won't die. How do you know that?"

"Cause I know he would survive it. It's Dante. He has faced worse situations. He's still alive."

"Yes but what if this killed him? What would you do then? You know I work for you for my own gain too." The rat said.

"Well, luckily he's still alive. But that brat might not survive it." He said, angered.

"Well, let's wait and see. She might survive."


Alexis' p.o.v

My body ached in different ways unexplainable.

I didn't realize I had been awake for some time now. I looked to my sides and the place was empty.

I stared at my front waiting for someone to come in. Camille was the first to step in. She didn't know I was awake as she got to the hospital bed I was on.

She sat on a chair next to the bed and layed her head next to me. Then I placed my hand in hers and she bounced up.

"You're awake?" She asked and I nodded slowly. She didn't wait for me to finish nodding. She jumped on me and hugged me tight.

I made winced trying to tell her I was dying with her hug.

"Sorry." She said as she let me go.

The Twisted Truth (Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin